Education/Hive Learning Networks

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What are the Hive Learning Networks?

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The Hive Learning Networks is an initiative of Mozilla (maker of FireFox and WebMaker).

On the startpage of the website you can find the following text: We are a growing constellation of communities around the globe that are championing digital skills and web literacy through connected learning. Sof


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  • Where do the Hive Learning Networks share information? Did they consider using Wikiversity? On 01.09.15 user Timboliu send an e-mail to someone from the Hive Learning Networks. On 23.11.15 asked if they had a change to look at my mail.
  • Why are The Hive Learning Networks interesting for Wikiversity?
  • Why is Wikiversity interesting for the Hive Learning Networks?
    • Learning to participate in a learning projects is a 21st century skill.


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Reaction expected

  • Mark Surman:
    • Mark Surman is the executive director of the Mozilla Foundation. See Mark Surman on Wikipedia.
    • On 23.11.15 Timboliu contacted Mark Surman via LinkedIn.

2016 Q2

  • Forum:
    • You can go to and in the menu choose 'Connect'. On this page you can find a link to a forum. In August 2015 you cannot access the forum. On 31.08.15 user Timboliu send an e-mail to Simon asking when the forum will be up-and-running again. Because Timboliu didn't got a reaction he re-send the message on 23.11.15.
    • Status: on 23.11.15 the following message appears: The page you requested doesn't exist or is private.
    • When you go to and in the menu there's a link available to a forum; in August 2015 this forum is down;