Editing Internet Texts/Gemstones/Andradite

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Andradite is a species of the garnet group. It was named after José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva (1763-1838), Brazilian politician and mineralogist.

The most valuable variety of andradite is demantoid, also called Uralian emerald. What makes it special are inclusions of actinolite, referred to as horsetail inclusions because of the white or golden color and thread-like shape.[1]


Basic properties

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Composition Ca3Fe2(SiO4)3
Class Silicates (Neosilicates)
Crystal system Cubic
Mohs' hardness 6,5-7
Fracture Conchoidal
Cleavage None
Lustre Glassy to adamantine
Streak White
Localities Russia, Italy, Switzerland, USA, China, Namibia


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  1. Minerały i kamienie szlachetne by RBA Collecionables, S.A., ISBN 978-83-7813-150-2, 2012.