Editing Internet Texts/Gemstones/Amethyst

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Amethyst is a violet colored macrocrystalline variety of quartz. It is also the most valuable of all quartz varieties. Its color can vary from light violet to deep purple. Heating amethyst gives rise to yellow and colorless tones.

At the end of the 18th century, amethyst was ranked among the most valuable gemstones and was as expensive as diamonds and rubies. Unfortunately, after the discovery of large amethyst deposits in Brazil, it was reduced to the status of a semi-precious gem.

Amethyst ring

Basic properties

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Composition SiO2
Class Oxydes and hydroxydes
Crystal system Trigonal
Mohs' hardness 7
Fracture Conchoidal
Cleavage None
Lustre Glassy
Streak White
Localities Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Russia, Namibia, France, Morocco