Editing Internet Texts/Gemstones/Amazonite

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The name of this mineral derives from Amazonia, where native peoples used green stones as amulets. It turned out that those stones were, in fact, green jadeites, but the name stuck to the green to bluish green opaque gemstone variety of microcline.[1]

Amazonite is commonly mistaken with chrysoprase, serpentine or green jadeite.


Basic properties

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Composition KAlSi3O8
Class Silicates (tectosilicates)
Crystal system Triclinic
Mohs' hardness 6
Fracture Hackly
Cleavage Perfect
Lustre Glassy-pearly
Streak White
Localities Russia, USA, Madagascar, India, Vietnam, Brazil, Kenya


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  1. Minerały i kamienie szlachetne by RBA Collecionables, S.A., ISBN 978-83-7813-150-2, 2012.