ELearning Storyboarding

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Welcome to the Wikiversity course on E-Learning Storyboarding. This course aims to provide e-learning instructional designers step-by-step instructions on how to develop scripts for basic computer-based and Web-based training courses.

Course Objectives

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After completing this course, the learner will be able to:

  • Analyze instructional subject matter by ...
  • Script instructional text, including ...
    • On-screen paragraphs
    • On-screen lists
    • On-screen tables
    • Click-on pop-ups
    • Roll-over pop-ups
    • Note text
    • Example text
  • Detail multimedia objects, such as ...
    • Verbatim voice-over text
    • Non-verbatim voice-over text
    • Static visualization
    • Animation visualization
    • Click-on interactivities
    • Roll-over interactivities
  • Write practice and assessment questions, with the components ...
    • Multiple-choice question stems
    • Matching-list question Stems
    • Multiple-choice question options
    • Matching-list question options
    • Remedial feedbacks
    • Value-add feedbacks
    • Conditional feedbacks

Learner Prerequisites

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In order to take this course, the learner should have a basic understanding of the terminologies used in elearning development and creation.

Learning Process

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This course is chunked and structured into topics that flow from one to the other, building on previous topical knowledge. So, it is recommended that the learner take this course linearly. Practice quizzes are given at the end of each topic for the learner to review their learnings on each topic.

Happy learning!

-- Prakash Bebington