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Direct Democracy in the version Human Democracy-3000

From Wikiversity

Direct Democracy in the version Human Democracy-3000 means:

1. Direct Democracy + 2. Equality of chances at birth + 3. New UNO

1. International Direct Democracy means self-government of the people without politicians and without political power parties but with directly elected top experts and the most honourable personalities of the people instead in the most important government positions and in the people’s parliament (German Bundestag) through a perfectly designed but very simple system of plebiscites. Elections and decisions are made through small information and decision-making cell phones with Internet access for every citizen. The ministers are employed with normal employment contracts, and shall decide on minor issues only. Slightly more important decisions have to be subjected to the people’s parliament of the best experts. Very important issues shall be decided by all citizens with a TED procedure via their personal plebiscite mobile phones through which they had received in advance all necessary information and support for decision-making.

Most of the present basic national structures could be maintained. The future human and technical elite parliament of the people’s best takes over the role of the constructively cooperating total opposition and control of the ministers of the government who are employed by the citizens. An election committee of the leading judges and top representatives of all media (press, radio and TV) shall monitor the political transactions on behalf of the citizens. The change to direct democracy can be realized without problems in small steps, and will save a lot of costs.

2. Equality of chances at birth shall provide all newborns with equal starting conditions for their whole life, and also provide a more balanced distribution of assets among the citizens. First: by limiting the possibility to inherit big capital to approx. 2 million Euros, capital assets can no longer grow and grow across the generations without any limits to finally become a non-democratic power factor in the hands of a few multi-billionaires. Second: by redistributing the excess heritage capital of the extremely rich who died in one year to life-start accounts of all newborns of the same period to maintain a social balance, all children are provided with equal chances at the beginning of life. In the future, only children should be entitled to inherit. The heritage of those who die childless shall also flow into the compensation funds for newborns. Consider the CONSTITUTION:

1. The richer someone is the safer and faster he can increase his assets. 2. The people’s assets and the people’s earnings (income) on the other hand are limited figures. This means: If some own too much, others won’t have enough. If some earn too much, others will not earn enough. This is why there have to be limits to maximum earnings from work, just as there have to be minimum wages. Today, the working population actually receive only about one third of the people’s income although they are the ones who realize it with their work. Two thirds go to those who don’t do anything for it, who don’t work, who provide nothing but capital (in the form of rental homes, jobs and so on). The gap between the poor and the rich is continuously spreading wider and wider apart. Equal democratic freedom however requires equal financial assets. Even in the otherwise most perfect democracy, those who have nothing in their pockets would suffer the non-democratic fate of slaves.

3. Creation of United Nations of the Earth in a new design. The problems of mankind cannot be solved on national level alone. Therefore, we require a new UNO - the United Nations of the Earth as a powerful decision-maker. This union should consist of a loose federalist family of people, structured by ethnical and cultural aspects in rather small home countries of equal size, like for instance Switzerland or Holland. The small size makes sure they can be administered by two government levels only, one for central and the other for regional interests. This small size of the nations saves costs and increases the feeling of being at home, of having firm roots, and the happiness of the residents. Disputes between the nations shall be decided by the highest UNO war prevention court, and all nations have to submit to its decisions. Only one joint UNO police army will be required for internal and external security of all countries. International structural compensation provides quite equal conditions for life all over the world. In perfect mutual harmony, adjusted in all matters, the nations will operate their own economies, in particular with nationally limited and control work and capital market. Efforts should be taken to separate cultures and races to promote a manifold overall appearance of the home of humankind. On the other hand, more tourism and temporary exchange programs for tourists and experts should provide better international acquaintance and understanding. Only nationally limited capital markets can be controlled to avoid the new, unwholesome global power of mega corporations and speculation with billions. The introduction of direct democracy requires a new, global movement of all democratic citizens. The change to direct democracy as represented here is easy to realize step for step, and releases incredible sums of money all over the world from the dissolution of armies, from the excess heritage of the super rich, and from the giant savings of political administration costs. This will finance solutions for today’s great tasks of humankind: global ecology, the gap between the rich and the poor, and the increasing numbers of unemployed due to increasing automation (For more information see: “Direktdemokratie – die leistungsfähigere Volksregierung” (Direct democracy – the more powerful government of the people) ISBN 3-89950-124-1 or: www.ottonamenlos.de)