Digital Russian Peasant Project

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The purpose of the Digital Russian Peasant Project (DRPP) is to create a fully searchable and shareable database, cataloging information regarding documented primary sources that describe the various aspects of Russian peasant life, as well as providing a reference point for available secondary source material. Information collected in the database will then be used to create online tools capable of allowing the user to specify complex search queries or visualize the data on an interactive platform in order to facilitate drawing broader connections across the source-base.

Beginning Goals and Needs

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As of 3 December 2010 this project is still in its infancy and requires a few aspects to be worked out. Here are the areas that are of initial, broad concern:

  1. Standardization of data input, including choice of database format
  2. Discussion of what topics on peasant life should be prioritized, if any
  3. Brief sketch of what types of online tools would be preferred to search/view the cataloged data
  4. Bibliography of source-base

Questions/Suggestions should be sent to

Data Submission Standards

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Please post ideas in the 'Discuss' tab forum.

Topics covered in Catalogued Sources

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Please post ideas in the 'Discuss' tab forum.

Online Tools Desired

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Background Reading

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Secondary sources that provide more detail on Russian peasant life. Please alphabetize entries, use Chicago Style citation and link to WorldCat entry, if possible.


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Population (English Edition)

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Russian Review

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Slavic Review

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Primary Source Bibliography

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Submissions to the bibliography should be alphabetized and formatted in Chicago Style with a link, if possible, to the WorldCat entry for easy reference.

Video/Image Resources

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Online Reference Materials

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