Digital Media and Information in Society/Theoretical Frameworks Early Electronics Telegraphic Telephonic Photographic Phonographic

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Assignment: Analyzing Technology through Theoretical Lenses

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Objective: Examine specific information technologies through different theoretical frameworks, gaining insights into how these tools have been researched and understood academically.

Telegraph Telephone Phonograph Photograph
Semiotics Michael, Vincent Michael, Vincent Connor, Johjn Connor, John
ActorNetwork Caden, Elijah Caden, Elijah Tyler, SamD Tyler, SamD
Postcolonial Hunter, Casey Hunter, Casey Jared, Corbin Jared, Corbin
Narrative AlexA, Everett AlexA, Everett Ayden, Draven Ayden, Draven
Critical James, John James, John, Angel Darren, Zedd Darren, Zedd
Phenomenological Nicole, Gianni Nicole, Gianni SamB, Bart SamB, Bart
CulturalMaterialism Tobias, AlexC, Charlotte Tobias, AlexC Declan, Tucker Declan, Tucker
Feminist Jalen, ElijahS Jalen,Steve, ElijahS Braden, Reese Braden, Reese


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  1. Selection: Review the table above; each cell represents a combination of a technology and a theoretical framework. Students will be assigned cells in class (if you were not in class, select an empty cell or a cell with only one name if all are filled).
  2. Review: Review the Wikipedia articles about the theoretical frameworks associated with your assigned cells.
  3. Research: Use Google Scholar to identify a scholarly source for each of your assigned cells that studies the respective technology using the chosen theoretical framework.
  4. Summary: For each source:
    1. Detail the method of analysis: What data was collected? How was it analyzed?
    2. Highlight the most intriguing conclusion of the analysis.
    3. Provide a citation to the source.
  5. Wikiversity Journal Sub-page Creation:
    1. Navigate to your Wikiversity journal.
    2. To create a sub-page, add a slash (/') at the end of your journal's URL, followed by a suitable title for this assignment, for example: /Semiotics_Analysis_of_Telegraphy (use _ between words).
    3. Click 'Create' to start the new page.
    4. Write your summary on this sub-page.
  6. Categorization: At the bottom of your sub-page, add categories for both the theoretical framework and the technology you have researched:
    1. [[Category:TheoryName]] (use theory exactly as presented in table)
    2. [[Category:TechnologyName]]
  7. Submission: Submit the link to your sub-page in the appropriate Brightspace quiz.