Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/hagerejspoly

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August 29th, 2023

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Hello, World.

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I had a conversation with ChatGPT about the impact AI has on digital media, as well as AI's potential for being a cause for job displacement.

August 30th, 2023

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Sample Journal

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this is elijah's journal, where he says, "Hello again."

September 6th, 2023

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im gonna write something here soon

Wikipedia is teaching me to write stuff :)

Look now my words are italicized. Now they're bolded. NOW IT'S REALLY BIG now it's kinda small BingChilling woah Ignore this text it is being crossed out. But do pay mind to this text because it is being underlined.

Here is a link to an interesting wiki article about Resident Evil 4. It's one of my favorite video games. :)

Wikipedia Evaluation

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User:Hagerejspoly/Evaluate an Article - Wikipedia

  • Made an evaluation
  • Made a small edit (citations)
  • Made another edit. (fixing punctuation)

September 15th, 2023

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ChatGPT conversation

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I continued off the conversation I had with ChatGPT. We went over the innerworkings of ChatGPT and how it is able to complete the tasks we give it. We also had an exchange on how it is solely an AI, and not human. It was very interesting learning about the inner workings of ChatGPT and how it operates. It was also sort of silly to ask dumb questions to it, only to respond with the fact that it's an AI.

September 20th, 2023

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September 15th, 2023, entry edited to add input and interpretation. Also removed 'expansion' to deter confusion.

ChatGPT conversation about possible topics

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I continued my conversation with ChatGPT. We talked about what ChatGPT thinks about the future of the internet. It elaborates that it of course isn't a fortune teller but sees changes most probable in things like the expansion of 5G, more AI integration in digital tools, expansions in e-shopping, a more centralized and effective way of remote work and education, and more. The mention of e-shopping made me think about NFTs and its controversies. I myself, see the idea of NFTs silly and very harmful to the planet and I expressed those feelings to ChatGPT. I suggested that NFTs be banned entirely. But ChatGPT suggested that instead of banning them upright, face the flaws and try to fix them. I'm just a little unsure about NFTs and if they can really have a positive impact on society.

September 21st, 2023

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Editing articles

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The wiki assignment said to edit 3-5 articles. Here are the ones I've edited.

Huey, Dewey, and Louie- Edited under the Kingdom Hearts segment. I pointed out that they appeared in Kingdom Hearts Coded and a brief summary of their significance, which the article had yet to mention.

Goofy - Edited under the Kingdom Hearts segment. A minor grammatical error fix.

Sora - Edited under Development. Replaced word "skin" with "costume" to portray a more casual explanation for those who are unaware of its meaning in gaming terms.

September 27th, 2023

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ChatGPT discussion about early literacy and the Manuscript Age

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I had an interesting exchange with ChatGPT. When I had vaguely asked it to tell me the history of literacy by simply just saying "early literacy", it thought that I meant that I wanted info about a child's first steps into literacy. I tried to confirm that I had only meant that in a historical context, but ChatGPT didn't seem to listen lol. I instead just asked for info about the Manuscript Age, and had asked it about ages before then, which that it responded with topics revolving around things like, hieroglyphics, symbols, and drawings from the ancient ages.

ChatGPT discussion about specific topic

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I talked to ChatGPT about animation. The means it takes to becoming an independent animator, as well as explore the many different types of animation studios to work for. Obviously, studios like Disney Pixar, Dreamworks, and Sony were mentioned but I was surprised to see it mention Studio Ghibli and Laika, as they aren't as mainstream in the west. I also asked ChatGPT to see what studio was best to work at by salary rate. But it told me to do my own research. Filled with rage, I enable caps lock, and demand that ChatGPT "DO MY RESEARCH FOR ME". But alas, such disrespect was proven futile.

September 30th, 2023

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ChatGPT discussion about later literacy and the Age of Printing

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I asked ChatGPT to talk to me about the printing age. It discussed its history and its significance in today's world. I asked ChatGPT if we would need printing anymore with the ever-growing reliance and abundance of technology. I then listed all sorts of uses printing still serves today like proving legal documents, package labeling, and more.

October 11th, 2023

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Project Topic

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I'll be doing my project on the future of animation. Maybe going to tackle the potential of ai assistance and or its takeover.

November 14th, 2023

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I forgot how to access my bibliography so before I figure it out again, I'll be writing my plans here.

I plan to edit Applications of artificial intelligence under the article's Media header. There are sub headers like Video Games and Deep-fakes but I'll edit under Art, and/or maybe even Video Games. I'll add on to the article discussing artificial intelligence and its use in computer animation, whether it'd be 2d, 3d, whatever.

I'll be citing DOISerbia - Using artificial intelligence assistant technology to develop animation games on IoT - Zhang, Rong (

I could recite the article by elaborating on how using AI for things like animation in video games are helpful for the development of their games, since it saves on timing and costs. I"m also trying to find a scholarly article on a Japanese animation on Netflix that recently sparked controversy for its use of ai for its backgrounds and other assets. Netflix Made an Anime Using AI Due to a 'Labor Shortage,' and Fans Are Pissed ( Maybe I can use this article to? With your approval of course, I'll have to ask tomorrow.

November 16th, 2023

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Edited the Talk Page of Applications of artificial intelligence.

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I posted a topic in the Talk page about my plans on editing the article. I've cited one of my sources as what I will be using. That being the article about the Japanese Netflix short that uses AI.

November 20th, 2023

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Home Page - Wonder Dynamics

How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize the Animation Industry | Fog Coast Productions

Artificial Intelligence Animation: What Is It and How Does It Function? - Pigeon Studio (

A Brief History of Motion Capture for Computer Character Animation (

What is Move AI? A Revolution in Motion Capture (

Quotes and info

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"This doesn't mean AI was only relegated to menial tasks, however: This may be shocking, but AI systems were used in movie production as early as the mid-2000s. It began with the development of "Genesis," a system designed by Pixar that used machine learning algorithms to generate 3D models of animals and other creatures. This technology was used in several Pixar films to help create realistic characters, including "Up" and "The Good Dinosaur."" - Pigeon Studio

Potential sentences

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AI has been in use since the early 2000s, most notably by a system designed by Pixar called "Genesis".[1] It was designed to learn algorithms and create 3D models for its characters and props. Notable movies that used this technology included Up and The Good Dinosaur.[2] AI has been used less ceremoniously in recent years. In 2023, it was revealed Netflix of Japan was using AI to generate background images for their upcoming show to be met with backlash online. [3] In recent years, motion capture became an easily accessible form of AI animation. For example, Move AI is a program built to capture any human movement and reanimate it in its animation program using learning AI.[4]

  1. admin (2023-09-12). "Top 2 Technologies that will Influence the Future of Animation". VGenMedia. Retrieved 2023-12-04.
  2. "Artificial Intelligence Animation: What Is It and How Does It Function?". Pigeon Studio. Retrieved 2023-11-28.
  3. Cole, Samantha (2023-02-01). "Netflix Made an Anime Using AI Due to a 'Labor Shortage,' and Fans Are Pissed". Vice. Retrieved 2023-11-28.
  4. "What is Move AI? A Revolution in Motion Capture". 2023-09-12. Retrieved 2023-11-29.