Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/Stable2241

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August 28, 2023

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So, first day of class, and I already feel somewhat dumb

August 30, 2023

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August 30th 2023

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Sample Journal

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Hello there. General Kenobi

August 31st 2023

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Wikideu Assigment

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I did the Wikideu assignment and it’s a simple way to get to know about what you can/cannot do in Wikipedia such as copyright and plagiarism and the sandbox. I’m starting to get used to it but it’s really hard to use.

ChatGPT Conversation

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Also had a conversation with ChatGPT about this class and how it will benefit me in my future. Here’s what it said:

September 7, 2023

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Wikideu Assignment 2

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Another Wiki assignment and it's about evaluating a wiki article and making an edit. Pretty cool but ultimately I'm so lost on this website

September 13th, 2023

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ChatGPT Conversation

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At first i told it to simply explain Media and Information Ages and then i told it to expand on it further.

September 20th 2023

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ChatGPT Conversation 2

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I ask it what ChatGPT thinks of Orality is in culture:

September 21st 2023

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Choosing Topics

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As i did this assignment, choosing an assignment would be difficult. But maybe i could write about video games and stuff, i don't write often but i'm willing to write about something i enjoy.

Topic: Online Gaming and it's future

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I will be focusing on the use of online in video games and where it's towards in the future