Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/ShinxPMD

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August 28 2023

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Hello World

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Here's a discussion i had with ChatGPT about alternative ways to learn a programming language instead of using Hello World

August 30 2023

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August 31 2023

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It'll be interesting to do a course on Wikipedia with my knowledge on how to use and edit on this. Over the past couple of days, I have made a Wikiversity account, signed up for the course on it, started a journal for the class, and did some additional training for this website. Can't wait to see what's to come.

September 7 2023

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Cruelty Squad(Edit, CopyEdit and Evaulate)

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Today i edited the Cruelty Squad article by expanding on the organ harvesting and fishing mechanic. I choose this article because it was a c-class article on a topic that i was familiar enough to work with.

September 13 2023

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Next Age(Media Age)

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Here's what ChatGPT thinks the next age for humanity could possibly be

September 21 2023

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Nosy People(Orality)

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I asked ChatGPT a dumb question about if a human society could last if they only communicated via high-pitch noises made by the nose and it gave me some info on the problems human's could face and what kind of evolutionary traits humans could get. I find it interesting that, despite asking such a ridiculous question, it was very informative on the what-if scenario behind this.

Articles for Emo albums(Choose Topics)

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I found three emo albums that don't have a article written about them that i think are in need of a wiki article.

September 27 2023

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The Runes(Manuscript Age)

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I asked ChatGPT a question about what ways would human's store info in the absence of clay and papyrus and it told me about germanic runes. I may have deviated a bit from the original topic but i was curious about theses runes and it lead me to learn about their somewhat mystic uses and where i could to learn them

September 28 2023

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Majora's Mask(Specific Topic)

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I asked ChatGPT why it think's Majora's Mask is so popular for my specific topic. Being a big fan of the game, i wanted to see what the bot would say about it and what games it could recommend based off of things similar to Majora's Mask and now i have a couple more games on my to do list.

September 29 2023

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DIY Scene(Semester Project)

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For my semester project, i chose to write about the future of DIY Music. I think that as the years go on, music making and distributing will be more accessible and more techniques to make music by yourself will help more independent musicians have their music be heard by more people.

Shakespeare(Literacy Age)

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I asked ChatGPT what would happen a writer like shakespeare do in response to ChatGPT. It gave me some ideas on what he could do and was skeptical if a writing criticizng ChatGPT could be on the same level as King Lear, which i found kinda neat.

October 23 2023

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Feminist theory on Phonograph and Photograph

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I wrote about a feminist analysis on both the phonograph and the photograph.

November 27 2023

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Sandbox for my article

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December 10 2023

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Portfolio and Article

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I finished up my Portfolio as well as finished up my article, was an interesting semester to go through.