Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/Reese02

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Wikiversity Portfolio - (12/5/23)

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Wikiveristy Portfolio/Reflection link below:

Semester Project - (Creating the article) (10/2/23)

Below is my google doc link to my possible links for my article.

Planning paper link - Wiki Article - Reese Dow - Google Docs

Sand box Link-

How to cite or quote an article -

Copy what you need from an article and then copy it in your article. Then select block quote from the paragraph drop down and then you can add another citation.

Assignment: Analyzing Technology through Theoretical Lenses

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Feminists Theory and Phonograph or feminists' theory view on the phonograph.


Lauer, J. (2012). Surveillance history and the history of new media: An evidential paradigm. New Media & Society, 14(4), 566-582.

underscore then title to create a new journal so /Feminists theory Phonograph

ChatGPT Discussion - (10/02/23)

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I talked with ChatGPT more about how the evolution or introduction of the printing press has affected the world. I wanted to know what it thought about the world without a printing press or other innovations of the like. It gave me the general with not much information about what it thought, then again it has said before that it can't give me its opinion so I will have to be more descriptive in my questions.

On another note, it did give me some insight on how the world would look and I am tempted to ask it more about a world without innovations like the printing press and its effect on art. It talked briefly about how stuff like this would be more common as well as the fact that this form of communication would be the most dominant one. So, I think next time I will ask it more about how in depth this would go.

Conversation Link -

Semester Project Topic - (9/28/23)

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For my semester project I am going to be focusing on how AI will affect or alter the creation of art in video games. Whether it be character design, environment design or even plot wise, I would like to think about how AI could be used to generate or influence such aspects. I am hoping to find Wikipedia sites next week to research more about what kinds of AI are already being used and what's on the horizon. If I'm honest I haven't done a ton of research on it yet so next week I am really going to have to kick it into gear and find the wiki sites as well as some AI generating software I can mess around with. I will post what I find here with a short explanation of what is on each soon.

ChatGPT Class Discussion Collaboration - (9/28/23)

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After thinking about our conversation in class about the printing press and other such inventions, I wanted to know what the world could be like without them. I asked ChatGPT to try and guess what the world would look like without such innovations, and it gave me some interesting points. I focused more on the technology side but I'm pretty sure that just because of how I wrote out my question. Even though that was the case, I still found almost what I would expect. There would be slower work and less work as well as a less advanced economy. Because of this point I wanted to ask about what the world would be like on another side of this.

If there are less job opportunities wouldn't that just mean, there would be more opportunities for individuals to create their own work? ChatGPT confirmed this and even gave me examples of what kind of work it would be. I find it very interesting how it gives you specific points for almost every question you have. I did however find out that it denies giving you any opinionated answers and tells you it cannot have an opinion, but it still tries its best to give you an answer that is somewhat related. I did repeat itself a bit to do so though. Overall, an interesting conversation.

Conversation Link -

AI Art Evolution and Video Games - ChatGPT Topic Discussion - (9/20/23)

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After looking through the additional questions asked by Professor Schneider, I now have more information and steps to go by for my final project topic. I believe I will focus more on the aspect of how the future of Ai and technology will affect the creation of video game art and its creation.

After talking with ChatGPT I found out how I can organize my article, I feel that I almost focused too much on how to format and probably should have asked more questions about said topic. It gave me some very interesting tips on organization though and it kept it very short and sweet. I also tried to get it to drop some of its points for user readability, but it didn't change them at all which I found a little funny. I tried changing my topic slightly as well, getting more specific areas of the AI generated changes in video game art.

After asking it like two more questions about how my previous topic could merge into character and environment designs, I think that's what I am going to do my article about. Like I stated before it helped me format this topic, but I may ask it more questions about the specific breakdown of each point and the necessary information for each of them.

Conversation link -

ChatGPT Discussion - (9/13/23)

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I talked with ChatGPT more about possible topics for articles in the link below. I learned about how different video game genres can clash or be helped by different art styles. I also talked with ChatGPT about possible ways to make a game more interesting with respect to different genres and styles. At times it can create a more unique and immersive world for the player, in turn making it a more memorable experience. Other times it can destroy aa game all together, making it confusing and hard to fully understand.

It also helped me find different ways I can organize future video game plans.

Conversation link -

Media and information ages - (9/11/23)

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Media and information age

For my class discussion I asked ChatGPT how the past media could influence the current or even future media. I also asked how the future of media may look, considering its current outlook of media.

Editing an Article - (9/6/23)

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I chose to add to an article about the video game Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

I added the when the manga mentioned in the Legacy section had been ended.

Below is where I evaluated the same article.


ChatGPT - (8/31/23)

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Below is my conversation with ChatGPT.

I focused more on how media that has to do with art has been changed or can be changed by AI advances.


Hello World - (8/30/23)

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Hello, I am Reese.

After some confusion and creating a different journal extension, I was able to create one under the correct Wikiversity page. I believe I have also completed most of the Wikipedia training and I somewhat understand the rules for editing public entries as well as my own.

Getting Started Notes:

(8/30/23) Two big rules I learned about editing and Wikipedia in general is that most edits should be made with the original editor in mind. It is discouraged to delete what another editor has added without informing them. The other rule would be the recommended use of books and publications by experts in the field you are writing about. Newspapers and press are not viewed as reliable resources because most times they are influenced by personal opinions. Basically, what is added must be factual and opinionated.

I also attempted to create my own sandbox page though I don't know how much use it will see in this course. I added my own journal to my watchlist and intend to add more to it at a later date.

Future Plans:

(8/30/23) Next, I will begin my work with ChatGPT, asking it more in-depth questions about the course.