Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/Moltenonyxx

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November 29th, 2023

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Personal Article Sandbox link

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October 12th, 2023

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Completed "Getting started on Wikipedia and Wikiversity" and "Start a class journal in Wikiversity"

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Yes, i know I'm very late on these. Though I did not completely understand them at first I'm trying my best to do them now

ChatGPT topic discussion

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September 18th, 2023

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ChatGPT Conversation

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I asked ChatGPT if it could intentionally lie to its user, and it responded with a no as it would go against its ethical guidelines. ChatGPT using the term ethical guidelines intrigued me, how it'd gotten the guidelines, and why it feels it needs to follow them. When it gave me a lists that in my opinion basically said there is a human involved 24/7, which I don't doubt but still intrigued me. So I asked it about an AI gaining the ability of emotion, and use the term ethical guidelines to hide it. The whole situation of sentient AI already in our lifetime is extremely far-fetched, but its still and interesting idea to dig around in. And the AI's response was about the same, AI isn't that advanced, it would break ethical boundaries and moral principles, etc. So i asked it a bit more basic and slightly more obtainable answer, could an AI just mimic human emotion genuine enough to pass of as realistic. The answers given were actually pretty interesting and somewhat tangible. That yes, with enough programming around perception and sentiment, it can very much mimic human emotion, but only mimic. Because it also explains to actually 'have' human emotions you need several aspects that AI technology is no where near reaching yet. And of course it brought up the ethical aspect of mimicry and that if it is ever possible it wouldn't be right to confuse someone when they think their talking to a person rather than a AI. The whole conversation made me think about AI integration into everyday life, because i feel AI could very much be integrated into small everyday activities for just our convenience, and that would require a more 'friendlier' experience.

September 6th, 2023

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Editing an article

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August 30th, 2023

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Hello, World!

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Hey, My names Everett Rivenburg