Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/ErikasJournal

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August 30th 2023

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Hello World

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Hey y'all my name is Erika.

August 30th 2023

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Sample Journal

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Hello again

August 30th, 2023

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Chat GPT Assignment

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September 8th, 2023

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Evaluating and linking article

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Added in a book that is/was popular on booktok as well as linked one of the authors books to her goodreads page.

September 14th, 2023

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Extending class discussion with chat gpt and possibly using for article topics

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September 20th, 2023

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New chat discussion on another topic thats could be used for an article

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Additional chat- talking about how a wikipedia article would look if written about the future of books/ai books

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September 27th, 2023

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Collaborating with ChatGPT on Early Literacy and The Manuscript Age

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I talked with Chat GPT to ask questions mostly on the printing press. Asking some of its main impacts and then its impact thats not formed with technology. I even asked about the printing press and its effect on the public when the Pentagon Papers about the Vietnam war came out. I then asked one last question about what cognative impacts there are.

September 28th, 2023

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Collaborating with chat gpt about a specific topic

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I tried to talk with chat gpt about mythology since I may be doing a topic on it for another class and I am interested in mythology as well. I asked about how mythology is still present today as well as being present in how it shaped the way we formed our social views/government. There was a lot of bulleted lists but they helped to condense the ideas.

October 1st, 2023

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Collaborate with ChatGPT - Later literacy and the Age of Printing

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I wanted to ask ChatGPT about this topic and wanted to see if it would break it down for me. It sort of did what I wanted it to do and I was able to get info about the printing press for example and other uses of later literacy. The age of printing I have seen some of those answers before when I have asked about other topics. I decided to go further and see how chat gpt would react if I asked about these 50 years in the future; it gave me some pretty in depth speculations about what could happen. I finally asked a versus question to see which would be effected more digital literacy or paper literacy. It really seems digital literacy will take over paper literacy and its future is unpredictable.

October 11th, 2023

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Why I am choosing my topic

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I am choosing to do my topic on the future of books and AI, because books mean the world to me. I'm constantly reading and involved in the book community, so seeing the emergence of AI can really effect the book community seeing as it is now possible to write, or create prompts for books. I also want to see other companies takes on AI and how it will effect books or even what people are doing to stop AI or let it influence books.

November 20th, 2023

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Some sources for my topic - The Future of AI and Books

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"Amazon has introduced new rules and guidance for Kindle books generated by artificial intelligence tools, including the requirement that authors inform it when content is AI-generated." -Source 1 (New guidelines to look at)