Digital Media and Information in Society/Student Journals/Cadancummings24

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August 30, 2023

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Hello World

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My Name is Cadan Cummings

August 30, 2023

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Sample Journal

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Hello again

September 18, 2023

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ChatGPT Conversation

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I asked ChatGPT, in what ways does ChatGPT affect school?

September 20, 2023

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ChatGPT Conversation

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I had a conversation with chatGPT and I asked, what are the information and media ages of our world? Here is the full conversation:

September 28, 2023

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ChatGPT Conversation

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I asked ChatGPT what is the manuscript age.

October 16, 2023

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ChatGPT Topic and Conversation

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The topic I chose for COM216 was The future of people making images and sharing them. I had a conversation with ChatGPT about this topic and here is the link:

November 29, 2023

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