Digital Media and Information in Society/Discussions/6-Telegraph, Phonograph, Photograph, Telephone

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Innovation in Information Technology in the 19th Century: The Telegraph, The Phonograph, The Photograph, and The Telephone[1]

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Introduction: The Evolutionary Spectrum

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19th Century Technologies: A Brief Overview

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Late 19th Century Cultural Shifts

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  • Rise of Urbanization Amplified by Communications:
    • Impact of the Telegraph:
      • Revolutionized long-distance communication, fostering faster urban growth and inter-city connections. Telegraphy
      • Financial districts and stock exchanges thrived due to instant communication, elevating cities as economic hubs.
      • The telegraph network laid the groundwork for future communication infrastructures
  • Social Restructuring
    • Role of the Telephone:
      • Transformed personal communication, allowing urban dwellers to maintain broader social networks. Telephone History
      • The rise of telephone exchanges and operators added new urban job roles and influenced city dynamics.
    • Phonograph's Cultural Influence:
      • Changed entertainment landscapes by enabling recorded music and performances. Phonograph
      • Birth of the music industry and the shift from live to recorded entertainment.
    • Cultural Hubs and the Lenses of Technology
      • Impact of Photography:
        • Allowed for the capture and sharing of urban life, influencing societal perceptions and memory. Photography's History
        • Magazines and newspapers incorporated photographs, enhancing storytelling and documentation.
        • Artists and social reformers used photography to highlight urban realities, from high society events to social issues.

Economic Transitions

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Government as a Balancing Force against Big Business

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  • Universal Service:
    • Commitment to providing services to all citizens. Universal Service
      • Telecommunication as an essential utility.
      • Vision of the US Mail, and later telephony, for comprehensive service. US Mail
  • Public Interest and Common Carrier:
    • The principle that certain businesses serving societal needs must operate fairly. Common Carrier
      • Early instances in medieval royal charters granting exclusive business rights with attached duties for fairness. Royal Charter
      • Evolution into the "common carrier" doctrine in English common law, emphasizing nondiscrimination in essential services.
      • The telegraph and telephony's roles as crucial infrastructures reflecting this principle.

Cognitive and Perceptual Transformations

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  • Reality and its Reproductions:
    • Photography's influence on perceptions of reality. Photography
      • Challenging authenticity and originality. Authenticity in Art
      • The phonograph's capture of sound and its implications on memory and experience. Phonograph
  • Multisensory Engagement and Early Multimedia:
    • The intertwining of auditory and visual experiences. Multimedia
      • Emergence of new forms of entertainment and consumption. Media Consumption
      • Interplay between different sensory experiences redefining cultural engagements. Culture Industry
  1. ChatGPT in collaboration with Steven M. Schneider (2023-10-04). "Electric Age Cognitive Revolution". ChatGPT. Retrieved 2023-10-04.