Digital Media Concepts/Color-blind lens/EnChroma

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Enchroma Lens

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Red to Green Color Blindness

How Human Eye work & Color-blindness

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Contact Lenses

The way the human eye works is that retina capture light waves from an object. There is the length of the light wave small, medium, and long-range that it is collected by the cones. The cones are more commonly referred to, and the cones differentiate as blue, green, and red cones. Cones may overlap at times which in turn affects the eyesight vision in color. That is the root of the color blindness. [1]

Types of colorblindness

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When people think color-blind, they might think that one can only see in black, white or gray. Only seeing black and white, monochromacy, is a rare form of color blindness and it is more common to be red-green color blindness. Within the red-green color blindness, there are four more distinctions such as the green looking more red and verse. The brightness of the colors would look less bright or green and red were color that one could not be able to tell the difference between. Rare-common color blindness is blue-yellow with two distinctions having a similar effect as the red. One would not be able to distinguish the “...difference between blue and green, and between yellow and red.” [2]monochromacy, is a rare form of color blindness and it is more common to be red-green color blindness. Within the red-green color blindness, there are four more distinctions such as the green looking more red and verse. The brightness of the colors would look less bright or green and red were color that one could not be able to tell the difference between. Rare-common color blindness is blue-yellow with two distinctions having a similar effect as the red. One would not be able to distinguish the “...difference between blue and green, and between yellow and red.” [2]

'How the lens work'

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Knowing how the human collects color, and how color-blindness is a result of cones overlaps the color-blind lens can be explained. The lens from the EnChroma Labs corrects the overlap with filter the wavelength with its focus on the red and green cones. The main or big brands that the public knows are EnChroma, so many articles explain how the colorblind lens work from the EnChroma brand. The lens would not be exact of ‘regular’ vision, but similar to the vision. [3]

Dr. Donald McPherson

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"Dr. Donald McPherson"
201705 Scientist desk M
Ph.D. Chief Science Officer
Co-Founder & Inventor of EnChroma

Glass scientist Dr. Donald McPherson one of the founders EnChroma. He studied at Alfred University with “.... an undergraduate degree in math and art, [and] a masters in ceramics”.  Ph.D. in glass science. ”.[4] [5] He started with making glass lens for surgeons to protect their eyes from the laser. That lens that Dr.McPherson created the surgeons was the domino to soon create EnChroma Labs. McPherson would use the glasses he made for surgeons as normal sunglasses. In the frisbee game, a friend of McPherson had borrowed his sunglasses and notice that he could see the difference in color tones between the grass and concrete. [6] Between 2004 to 2009 McPherson and his colleges, Andy and Tony Dykes would put the lens to scientific clinical trials. Later in 2012 EnChroma Labs had been in business.[7]

Future product

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Contact lens 1

EnChroma Labs has worked on the sunglasses that helps with color blind, but could not work with clear glasses. Clear glasses would not work because the light wave would not be able to bound off the lens as sunglasses would. It is possible for contact lens. EnChroma has been in the process of creating correction colorblind len. The company does strive to improve the lens that they make now for a better experience. [8]


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There has been controversy on the EnChroma brand because of false marketing on the data they put out. The major attraction is a study EnChroma put that deals with 48 color-blind volunteers.[9] Especially the company brands in a way that made consumers think that they are ‘curing’ their color-blindness when the lens is glasses and can only work when one wears them.[10] As mentioned before there the companies branding would make it seem like one would see if they would not color blind, but the lens is a close second to that vision.

Other Companies in the Industry

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The well-known production of this tech is EnChroma there are many more companies that make this lens. Some of these companies are the ColorCorrection System, Golden, Pilestone, and Vino. The brand ColorCorrection System is a prescription color-blind lens. The Golden brands focus more difficult colors like pink. There is red-green color blindness and blue-yellow color blindness that products by Pilestone.[11]

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  1. Pappas, S. (2010, April 29). "How Do We See Color?" Retrieved from ttps://
  2. 2.0 2.1 Types of Color Blindness. (2019, June). Retrieved from
  3. Cross, R. (2016, June 29). This is how EnChroma's color-blindness glasses achieve their powerful effects. Retrieved from
  4. Rehbock, B. (2015, June 16)."Color For The Colorblind Journalist: Exclusive Interview With EnChroma VP." Retrieved from
  5. Zhou, L. (2015, March 3). "A Scientist Accidentally Developed Sunglasses That Could Correct Color Blindness." Retrieved from
  6. Zhou, L. (2015, March 3). "A Scientist Accidentally Developed Sunglasses That Could Correct Color Blindness." Retrieved from
  7. Rehbock, B. (2015, June 16)."Color For The Colorblind Journalist: Exclusive Interview With EnChroma VP." Retrieved from
  8. Rehbock, B. (2015, June 16)."Color For The Colorblind Journalist: Exclusive Interview With EnChroma VP." Retrieved from
  9. Builder, M. (2019, February 20)."Do Color-blind Glasses Actually Work?" Retrieved from
  10. staff, S. X. (2018, October 29). Scientists debunk the effectiveness of EnChroma glasses for colorblind people. Retrieved from
  11. Can Glasses Really Fix Colorblindness? (EnChroma & Others). (2019). Retrieved from