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Deadly Psychiatry and Organised Denial

From Wikiversity

Deadly Psychiatry and Organised Denial is a 2015 book by Peter C. Gøtzsche, a co-founder of Cochrane Collaboration, highly critical of psychiatry.

The initial objective of this mini article is to collect links to reviews of the book so that the reader can at least in part critically examine the book itself. One can suspect that most readers do not have enough skill and knowledge to critically analyze/evaluate the book. A process of public debate is preferable.

Book reviews:

Review search method: Use "Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial" as a search term in Google. Furthermore, use '"Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial" review' as a search term in Google. Consider only articles in English.

A limitation: all reviews found so far speak positively of the book. Therefore, they cannot serve the function of criticism. This seems surprising; surely such an important book that threatens, from the point of view of mainstream psychiatry, the patient drug compliance deserves a thorough and detailed public debunking?

A limitation: the article was originally created with the "organized" spelling instead of "organised". It is yet to be updated to capture searches for the original spelling.

As a potential point of criticism or reservation, the author Peter Gøtzsche was expelled from Cochrane Board. One has to figure out whether taking this into account is a logical fallacy of ad hominem or not.

Further reading

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