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DIY airborne wind turbine

From Wikiversity

This article is about building efficient and simple airborne wind turbines (AWT) EnergyKiteSystems. There are several types of do-it-yourself (DIY) known designs of airborne wind turbines. Some are balloon lifted, some are kytoon lifted, some are kite lifted, some are the kytoon itself with lofted generator. Two general types by virture of position of the generator occur: 1. generator is lofted in the air; 2. generator is in a groundstation.

AWT LTA (lighter than air) Hydrogen-based with generator on ground

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AWT LTA hydrogen-based with generator lofted in air

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Magnus-effect kytoon type: The wind turbine would be similar to the Magenn Wind turbine, yet with some special distinctions:

  • The balloon would -in contrast to the Magenn Wind turbine- be filled with hydrogen. This gas (aldough inflammable) is non-polluting (eliminating danger of accidental release) and cheaper. It is also producable on-site (by hydrogen generator). Possible release of the gas from the balloon over time can thus be easily adressed. Perhaps a generator may be foreseen on the balloon for this purpose.
  • Low-cost building of the turbine itself
  • An airborne wind turbine is a design concept for a wind turbine that is supported in the air without a tower.[1] When the generator is on the ground,2 then the tethered aircraft (kite, kytoon) need not carry the generator mass or have a conductive tether. When the generator is aloft, then a conductive tether would be used to transmit energy to the ground, either mechanically or through electrical conductors. Some systems would have the advantage of tapping an almost constant wind and doing so without a set of slip rings or yaw mechanism, without the expense of tower construction. Kites and 'helicopters' come down when there is insufficient wind; kytoons and blimps resolve the matter. Also, bad weather such as lightning or thunderstorms, could temporarily suspend use of the machines, probably requiring them to be brought back down to the ground and covered. Some schemes require a long power cable and, if the turbine is high enough, an aircraft exclusion zone. When the generator is ground-based, the tether need not be conductive. As of 2008, no commercial airborne wind turbines are in regular operation

DIY AWT HTA kite system

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This turbine (although more expensive than the rooftop wind turbine) would be quicker to deploy and could be a more cost-efficient turbine in areas with little wind at low-altitude or function as first turbine to determine the place where to most wind can be caught in a specific plot of land. Needs cooperative work dough. Feel free to add info.