Czech Language/Animals

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The following is an somewhat organised list of animals with their Czech translations.

Land Mammals

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mammal = savec

  • ape = opice
  • ass = osel
  • bear = medvěd
  • bovines = skot
    • bull = býk
    • cow = kráva
  • cats = kočky
    • cat = kočka
    • lion = lev
    • tiger = tygr
  • canines = psi
    • dog = pes
    • fox = liška
    • wolf = vlk
  • deer = jelen
    • hind = laň
  • giraffe = žirafa
  • goat = koza
  • hippopotamus = hroch
  • horse = kůň
    • mare = klisna, kobyla
  • pig = prase
  • rodent = hlodavec
    • hare = zajíc
    • mouse = myš (f), myšák (m)
    • rabbit = králík
    • rat = krysa
  • sheep = ovce
  • weasel = lasice
    • ferret = fretka
    • stoat = hranostaj

Aquatic Animals

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marine (adj.) = mořský

  • dolphin = delfín
  • eel = úhoř
  • fish (pl) = ryby
    • shark = žralok
  • frog = žába
  • seal = tuleň
  • turtle = želva
  • whale = velryba


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bird = pták

  • crow = vrána
  • dove = holub
  • duck = kachna
  • parrot = papoušek
  • penguin = tučnák
  • poultry = drůbež
    • cock = kohout
    • hen = slepice
  • raptors = dravci
    • eagle = orel
    • falcon = sokol
    • owl = sova
  • robin = červenka
  • seagull = racek
  • sparrow = vrabec