Cymraeg 1/Lesson:Simple Conversation of Welsh

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Dafydd ('David') goes into a public house. He sees the bar lady, Siân ('Joan').
Please read the dialogue, and try to work out the meaning of each sentence before going on to the next one. If you can't, just move on. Check the answers with the translation below.

Tafarn - Pub

Siân  : Noswaith da Dafydd

Dafydd : Noswaith da Siân. S'mae?

Siân  : Da iawn, diolch. A thi?

Dafydd : Iawn, diolch!

Siân  : Beth wyt ti'n wneud?

Dafydd : Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg, a thithau?

Siân  : Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg hefyd!

Dafydd : Braf! Sut mae dy fam? Ydi hi'n sâl?

Siân  : Mae hi'n well erbyn hyn, diolch.

Dafydd : Mae hi'n dechrau mynd yn hwyr. Mae'n rhaid i fi fynd. Hwyl!

Siân  : Hwyl! A phob lwc efo'r cwrs yfory.

Dafydd : Diolch.

[Leaves the Bar]

Dafydd : Nos da!

Pawb (Everyone) : Nos da Dafydd!

Cyfieithu - Translation

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Siân  : Noswaith da Dafydd

        Good evening David

Dafydd : Noswaith da Joan. S'mae?

        Good Evening Sian. How are you?

Lowena : Da iawn, diolch. A thi?

          I'm good, thanks. And you?

Dafydd : Iawn, Diolch!

          Okay, thanks!

Siân  : Beth wyt ti'n wneud?

          What are you doing?

Dafydd : Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg, a thi?

           I am learning Welsh, and you?

Siân  : Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg hefyd!

            I am learning Welsh too!

Dafydd : Braf! Sut mae dy fam? Ydi hi'n sâl?

            Lovely! How is your mother, is she ill?

Siân  : Mae hi'n well erbyn hyn, diolch.

            She's better now, thanks.

Dafydd : Mae hi'n dechrau mynd yn hwyr. Mae'n rhaid i fi fynd. Hwyl!

            It's starting to get late, I must go. Goodbye!

Siân  : Hwyl, a phob lwc efo'r cwrs yfory.

            Goodbye, and good luck with the course tomorrow

Dafydd : Diolch.

             Thank you

[Leaves the Bar]

Dafydd : Nos da!

             Good night!

Pawb (Everyone) : Nos da Dafydd!

              Good night David!


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Ex 1)

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Write down the dialogue in Welsh, or copy and paste, without the English translations. Read it out clearly, then more naturally 'with feeling'. Imagine yourself actually there in the pub.
Switch off the screen, or if using a PC, minimize your internet box.
Now, read out the Welsh and write down the translations from memory. If you're not sure about a sentence, move on, you may remember later on.
Check your answers with the ones above.
Change any mistakes, and read out the correct version two or three times. Do this again later on if you have over 1/2 incorrect. If correct, do it again tomorrow. Keep doing this until you can speak the sentences fluently and write them out with ease.
If confident , do the same but translate English-Welsh

Ex 2)

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Make up a short passage using the vocabulary you've learnt in this lesson. You can have it male-male, female-female, male-female or between several people.
Remember: If there are several people, when referring to all of them you should use the plural form (eg. chi instead of ti)
If you have purchased a Welsh dictionary, or learnt any other Welsh, it's fine to use that, the more you use it, the easier it comes.

Cymraeg 1

Go to the Gwers 2

If you want to add to this dialogue, please make sure the words are covered in the previous lesson. Thanks. Diolch.