Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
Skills The Conflict Resolution Network ( has identified 12 skills which may be relevant to solving any conflict. These are:
1. The win win approach
Identify attitude shifts to respect all parties' needs.
2. Creative response
Transform problems into creative opportunities.
3. Empathy
Develop communication tools to build rapport. Use listening to clarify understanding.
4. Appropriate assertiveness
Apply strategies to attack the problem not the person.
5. Co-operative power
Eliminate "power over" to build "power with" others.
Express fear, anger, hurt and frustration wisely to effect change.
7. Willingness to Resolve
Name personal issues that cloud the picture.
8. Mapping the conflict
Define the issues needed to chart common needs and concerns.
9. Development of options
Design creative solutions together.
10. Introduction to negotiation
Plan and apply effective strategies to reach agreement.
11. Introduction to mediation
Help conflicting parties to move towards solutions.
12. Broadening perspectives
Evaluate the problem in its broader context.