Computer Support/Security/Wired and Wireless

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This lesson covers wired and wireless security.

Objectives and Skills

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Objectives and skills for the wired and wireless security portion of A+ certification include:[1]

Given a scenario, secure SOHO wireless and wired networks.
  • Wireless specific
    • Changing default SSID
    • Setting encryption
    • Disabling SSID broadcast
    • Antenna and access point placement
    • Radio power levels
    • WPS
  • Change default user-names and passwords
  • Enable MAC filtering
  • Assign static IP addresses
  • Firewall settings
  • Port forwarding/mapping
  • Disabling ports
  • Content filtering / parental controls
  • Update firmware
  • Physical security


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  1. Wikipedia: Wireless security


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  1. YouTube: Securing a SOHO Network - CompTIA A+ 220-902 - 3.7


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