Computer Essentials/Syllabus

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Your whole life will revolve around using a computer, from entering the university to when you work in a company and then interacting with friends. The more effectively you can use computer and different applications, the better you’ll do in most situations.

This class will give you practical hands-on skills, as well as knowledge of computers and how they are used in different situations.

Learning Objectives

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  • Remember how the basic parts of a computer work and interact with each other
  • Be able to explain how basic input, output, processor and storage devices work
  • Be familiar with the complete Windows operating system and its interface


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  • Comprehend how a computer system can be used in an organization
  • Understand how to use PowerPoint to make presentation and to use Word for Windows to make reports


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  • In a simplified level be able to solve problems in a case study by installing a computer system

Class Learning Outcomes

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  • Able to understand basic computer terminology
  • Able to understand the specification of a computer system and able to comparison shop for a system
  • Able to apply computer technology to solve a problem
  • Use computer technology to improve academic performance

Lab Learning Objectives

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  • Use the Windows operating system to manage files
  • Understand Windows filing system
  • Be able to customize Windows operating system
  • Able to make and give presentations
  • Able to use advance functions in Word for essays
  • Able to use Google to find answers


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  • Integrate computer skills into your everyday life
  • Understand about how computers work and their associated technology
  • Learn the vocabulary of the information system industry

Teaching and Testing Methodology

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There will be both a classroom examination and a hands-on computer examination for the midterm and final.

Students will need to listen to lectures, read materials, and do homework projects to prepare for the assessment. The class midterm will be based on a mixture of questions from each source. It is quite easy to see if students tried to cram the material because their score is quite low.

For the final classroom exam, students will be given a case study in which they can demonstrate everything they have learned throughout the term. Studying for a case exam is different in that students need models and technology that they can use to apply to solving a particular problem for an organization. The grade on the case study is based more on the understanding shown through the explanation given rather than focusing on the answer.

To encourage reading, quizzes will be given throughout the term. These quizzes and homework will make up 10 percent of the total grade.

Students will also be expected to complete two projects during the term: make a digital presentation and make a 2-D animation.

Testing Tool Weight Given
Learning Journal 5%
Quizzes/Homework 5%
Projects 10%
Midterm 30%
Final 50%

Students are encouraged to ask why they missed a question, but they must attend the class where their examinations are returned. If students miss this class, they need to make a special appointment to discuss their grade on an exam. Students are responsible for making it to the midterm and final tests. No makeup tests will be given.


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There will be two portions to the quiz scores. For the weekly homework, students will be given short assignments from this site, and they will need to post the final results on their own Wikiversity page or follow homework instruction that will be posted at ICNS141.COM. First, students need to create a account then e-mail your user name to me at In the e-mail title, put your student ID number and first name, or there is no guarantee that I will find your page and grade it. Homework needs to be completed on time and no credit will be given for late homework.

Students will also be given in-class quizzes as well. No make-up quizzes will be given for any reason. One of the purposes of given the quizzes is to confirm attendance. Students coming in late may be asked to wait till after a quiz is over before allowed into class. Anytime I have less that 3/4 of my class attending or coming on time, I will automatically give a quiz.

I will also experiment with In-Class Active Quizzes, meaning that I’ll give you some questions or some terms, and then have you individually or as a group work on answering or adding more content by using the computer. The total grade for both homework and quizzes will depend on the total number given per term.


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Projects will be on group basis and if turned in late, will not be accepted. Sometimes some students have technical difficulties. The project must be turned in on time, and when issues are found, the lecturer will allow students to repair the problem within a certain amount of time. For the Flash animation, students need to include the original file or no credit will be given.

Students that copy any animation from the web and submit it as their work will receive an automatic F for the class. Students should put their name on the CD-R, and they should put their names within the project as well.

There will be no credit given for non-labeled disks.


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Create a PowerPoint project that introduces yourself and shows your personality. There is no minimum or maximum number of slides, but in most cases the grade will based on the first few slides in the show. Feel free to borrow graphics and other items from the web. Show off your technical ability and knowledge in PowerPoint. The more creative and better story lines will receive the higher grades.

Projects can be completed either in pairs or individually.

Turn in the project on CD-R. Put your first names on the disk. If there is only ID number, I’ll deduct points and will not grade an unlabelled disk.

Flash Project

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All images have to be drawn within the Macromedia Flash. There can be no graphic images imported into the project. The project must be saved in FLA file format. Not following these directions will result in no credit being given for the project.

Any Flash file that is copied from the web or other place and submitted as a student’s project will result in that student or group of students receiving an automatic F for the class, and I will recommend that they receive Ws in all their other classes.

There can also be no ActionScript coding in the Flash project. Because scripting isn’t taught, I will suspect that someone other than the student completed the project and will give that student or group an F for the class.

Turn in the project on either CD-R or floppy disk. Turn in no more than two floppy disks.

Put your first names on the CD-R. If there is only ID number, I’ll deduct points and will not grade a disk with no name. It is also OK to e-mail the FLA file to

Late Projects and Papers

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Late projects or papers will not be accepted. Projects can be submitted in my mail box in the faculty offices on second floor of the new building.

Computer Labs

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There will be weekly computer labs. Students are encouraged to experiment with the system or program that is taught that week. Students using software not included in the lesson may be asked to leave the lab. If students repeatedly are asked to leave the lab, it will affect their class grade.

Learning Journal

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I'm going to experiment with a new assignment this year.

I want students to keep a learning journal of each class and then submit a summary every 2 weeks throughout the term to

The purpose of the assignment is to help you learn how you you learn. How did I use technology to learn? What was the highest emotional moment in learning? What was the lowest moment in learning? What was the easiest thing to learn? What was the most difficult thing to learn? For the biweekly report, I want to also have a summary of what you think you learned about yourself as a learner from these experiences.

I've again become a student, and now remembering how emotional and difficulty learning can be. If you are really learning, it is changing who you are, and this is a difficult process. It includes the whole range of emotions, from anger to excitement, to disappointment to satisfaction.

Reference: Brookfield, S. D. (1995). Becoming a Critical Reflective Teacher. San Francisco: Josse-Bass Company.


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As to MUIC’s policy, students missing more than 20 percent of their classes won’t be allowed to take the final exam. For me, a student will receive an F for the class if missed 5 classes. I will allow a student to take final, but I will give a zero for the course grade, meaning a student receives an F.

Three late equal one absence. Attendance will be taken 5 minutes after the hour and then after the break at a set time given during the class. If students come after the attendance, they are late. If they come 15 minutes after attendance, they will be marked absent for the whole class. If students missed attendance twice in one class, it will be assumed they are absent.

The total number of absences and late attendances will be shown during the class on the front screen.

The only excuse for missing a class is being excused to attend an official MUIC or Mahidol University function or having to attend military service. Students should notify me through e-mail beforehand.

I appreciate if you tell me you are sick, have to attend a wedding or have some other personal business, but I won't excuse these absences. Again, students can have up to 5 absences before they receive an F. What happens is a student will have several absences, be late often and then have a crisis where they have to miss a class.