Computer-aided design/Practical lessons

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Practical Lessons Introduction

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Practical lessons are based on commented examples.

In the end you should be able to create 3D models efficiently.

Idea is to provide instructions for the same tasks and examples for variety of available CAD programs, so that you can follow "AutoCAD trail", or PowerSHAPE, Inventor, Sketchup ... trails.

Each trail has:

  • Introduction to CAD program principles (GUI, coordinate system ...)
  • 2D drawing part
  • 3D modeling part

You will need

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You will need CAD. You may have one, but more probably you need one. CAD software is expensive and open source CAD are not widely used, yet (hopefully it will change in the future). However there are free or educational versions that are usually limited either in functionality, or are available for limited time period.

As in 2007 there are available free or educational versions for:

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