Communication and Identities in Institutional Arenas - Part I//Monday 28 February

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Week 9 Monday 28 February Sal F 133 09.30-14.30

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Theme - Identities & communities of practices

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We will discuss the following:

Adjustments to our course learning resource on wikiversity

Membership issues in communities of practices

Emperical fields of study (as communities of practices) & intersectionality

Literature for discussion:

  • Background - literature from 25 January & 14 february
  • Davies, Alan (2003): The Native Speaker: Myth and Reality. 2nd ed, 237 s. Clevedon: Multilingual matters (chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10)
  • Hornberger, Nancy H ed. (2003): Continua of Biliteracy. An ecological framework for educational policy, research and practice in multilingual settings, Clevedon: Multilingual matters (parts 1, 3, 5 & 6)
  • Wenger, Etienne (1998): Communities of Practice. Learning, Meaning and Identity. Learning in Doing Series – Social, cognitive and computational perspectives, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Participants are required to present their literature logs on the KOIIA-I learning resource page for each of the studied texts latest by Friday 25 February noon. Particpants are subsequently required to study the logs presented by their course colleagues before our third campus meeting on Monday 28 February.