Commercial diving/Watermanship evaluation

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Watermanship evaluation

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  • Two alternative tests are available. The candidate may choose which alternative to attempt
  • This test should be done in benign water in swimming costume without buoyancy aids. Swim goggles. nose clip , swim cap or thin hood and/or half mask may be worn. If temperatures are too cold a heated pool may be used. The candidate should not be exposed to conditions which will cause failure due to hypothermia. (particularly for alternative b)
  • The entire test must be done without interruption or delay between items.
  • The test may be repeated as many times as may be necessary until successfully completed. Each attempt must start with item 1 and continue until all items are successfully completed in the listed order. An adequate break should be allowed between attempts.
  • This test should be successfully completed before the learner starts with in-water training. Variations from this point are at the discretion and responsibility of the course director and should be guided by considerations of health and safety of the learner.
  • These skills are prerequisites for diver training. The diving school is not obliged to teach swimming skills.
Alternative "a"
1 25 m underwater swim from a standing start (in water)
2 300 m free style (To be completed within 10 minutes)
3 100 m back stroke
4 50 m swim with 5 % of body mass on weight belt
5 60 seconds treading water with hands on head
6 30 seconds rest period
7 20 second breath hold with head submerged
Alternative "b"
1 25 m underwater swim from a standing start
2 300 m free style (To be completed within 10 minutes)
3 100 m back stroke
4 "Drown proof" for 15min (stay afloat without holding the sides of the pool).
5 30 seconds rest period
6 20 second breath hold with head submerged (timed by assessor)