Commercial diving/Diver umbilical management and tendering

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Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Discuss the principles of safe umbilical and lifeline management including active tendering and effects of current and sea states
  2. Identify risks to the umbilical
  3. Define the maximum diver umbilical lengths including excursion
  4. Describe umbilical marking
  5. Discuss water entry and descent of the diver in relation to umbilical management
  6. Discuss diver movement on the bottom in relation to umbilical management
  7. Describe diver ascent and exit in relation to umbilical management
  8. Describe the correct storage and care of umbilicals, including coiling
  9. Discuss the differences in application and handling of buoyant, neutral and negative buoyancy umbilicals