Commercial diving/Basic seamanship, terminology and small boat operations

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Relevance: Scuba diving, Surface supplied diving, Surface oriented wet bell diving.

Required outcomes:

  1. Describe diving from small boats including water entry and exit by divers and safety procedures
  2. Discuss small boat safety and emergency procedures as a crew member or passenger
  3. Identify and name relevant marine equipment and vessel components and state their function
  4. Discuss the various marine distress signals and their use
  5. Discuss the safe loading and stowage of dive equipment on small boats in terms of its effect on the boat’s stability
  6. Discuss the use of ropes in small boat use and diving from small boats

Diving from small boats

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Small boat safety and emergency procedures

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Marine and boating terminology

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Marine distress signals

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Safe loading of small craft

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Small craft ropework

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