Collaborative play writing/The Countess of Challand

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The countess of Challand

Dramatic characters (18)

Bianca, countess of Challand

Count Mansino, lover of Bianca

Count Baizzo, lover of Bianca

The duke of Bourbon

Pietro di Cardona, gentleman

Carlo di Cardona, gentleman

Riccardatto, steward of Bianca

Agostino, steward of Mansino

Clara, wife of Agostino

Noce-Moscata, daughter of Agostino

Torbido, master of a brothel

Voga, mistress of the brothel

Vago, client in the brothel

Decio, suitor to Noce-Moscata

Pompina, servant to Mansino

Alicia, servant to Mansino

Servilio, servant to Bianca

Michela, grocer's daughter

An officer-of-law

Time: Early 17th century

Place: Italy




