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Collaborative computing/Client-server model vs. peer-to-peer model

From Wikiversity

Client-server model vs. peer-to-peer model

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The client-server model involves various client who are all connected to the same central server. The central server must be capable of handling many different inputs by its clients. Due to the large numbers of client requests the hardware have to be robust with a large hard disk capacity to store a lot of data from the different clients in the network. Therefore it’s an indirect connection between the clients who operates in the network. An advantage in the client-server model is that each client doesn’t have to have a big computer because of the possibility to store data in the central server. A disadvantage in this model is the risk of break-downs in the central server. Since all the clients are connected to the central server, they are all dependent on this server in order to cooperate. The relation between the central server and the clients is like the master and slave. The clients are fragile without the master.

On the other hand there is the Peer-to-peer(P2P) model. This is a network where every client works like a client or server to the other clients in the network. In the P2P there is a direct connection between the clients, which is a big contrast to the client-server model. The P2P model is anarchistic constructed with all the clients on the same level with the same posibilities. The advantage within this model is the multiplicity in proportion to filesharing, data exchange, and sharing of resources. The direct connection between the clients is fast and effective too. The disadvantage is safety; personal data and files aren’t protected.