Collaborative Writing with Gobby

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[[Translated by Ranszy001 (discusscontribs) 16:32, 26 May 2016 (UTC)]]

  1. The facilitator will log in and create a document containing these instructions (only the first part).
  2. It will guide participants to connect to the session and choose colors that are easy to distinguish, choosing three to five colors 'primary' and asking them to choose shades of these colors that are easy to distinguish, but in a balanced way (eg in a group 10, if the colors are green, yellow and red, there should be 5 red, 4 green and yellow).
  3. Henceforth will guide the session through internal chat Gobby, except to deal with discipline problems.
  4. He asked to generate three to five ideas on the theme of collaborative writing project.
  5. He asked that these proposals are polished until each is supported by at least 2 participants.
  6. He asked that the chat is used to create consensus, calling for proposals are eliminated one by one, until the group has consolidated behind one or all except one have been eliminated. (If consensus is difficult feedback can be used to remove intercalated with discución proposals.)
  7. The instructor will ask the author of the proposal chosen the extended to a small paragraph, with the help of anyone who wants to contribute, but providing this assistance THROUGH the chat except for trivial issues (score changes, correcting spelling errors, etc. ..).
  8. They now ask that we all make a sketch of the text (as an abstract or plan, a way to do this is to write a paragraph that prayer plans to write this sentence will become the topic sentence of the paragraph).
  9. Finally it is up to all turn that sketch into a complete text. A simple way to divide tasks is to ask everyone to choose a paragraph and develop. Another is that turns going to expand the text from beginning to end are taken. (These are two possible ways to do this, if the group generates its own way, even better.)
  10. Upon completion of this part of the script the facilitator will remind them to record a local copy before exiting the session. The record one in particular, should keep same folder on the server.


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  1. The facilitator asked to form based on the colors, i.e, those who chose different shades of the same color are now the same computer equipment. (You do not need to be perfectly balanced equipment sizes.)
  2. Now we will show the projector and create a session. The first of each team to succeed in creating a session moderator will be the leader and his team. The other members must now connect to that session. If controversy over who think first is generated, the facilitator should seek consensus with confidence (without hesitation or extend it), because this is a very significant part of the activity (one way, if there are two first generate the session, is stay with one of them, but name another moderator).
  3. Now it is up to the teams generate substantially different versions of the text generated in the first half.
  4. The session facilitator will be used by team leaders to generate ideas for variants. (These can come from other team members, but only the leader was connected to the session the instructor, though everyone can see the document you are working on the projector.) This step should not be long, but if you must have a conclusion satisfactory for the team, to motivate them to write. You can vary the final, principles, styles ... Anyway, there are many interesting ways to do it.
  5. Now issues variants sessions cortapegan leaders and proceeds to write the variants with the methodology of the first part (theme -> paragraph -> Sketch -> Text).
  6. The leader raises the text generated session instructor.
  7. The final versions are stored on the server. (It is important to show such actions in the spotlight, so participants are acquiring good practice.)
  8. The final versions by the corresponding equipment are read.


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  1. The facilitator will guide the whole group to put html markup text created in the 1st half. These marks are used::
    <HTML>, <HEAD>, <TITLE>, <BODY>, <H1>, <H2> <P>
    1. It is explained to the group the English meaning of the name of the label as a mnemonic aid.
  2. Now each team will do the same with its version.
  3. the final versions to the session facilitator will rise and hence to the server.
  1. The facilitator will guide the group in creating a file type CSS (stylesheet) for the text created by the whole group.
    • A sheet of simple style is created. It may include:
      1. Size and font type.
      2. Color de fondo y de la fuente.
      3. Size and font of the titles and subtitles ( & lt; H1 & gt; and & lt; H2 & gt; ).
      4. It will show how to include the style sheet in the HTML document inside the <HEAD> section
  2. Mostrará como incluir una imagen, creada con tuxpaint, mediante la etiqueta <IMG>.
    1. It will show how to align the image and titles in the stylesheet.
  3. The Groups now create their own style sheets in the meetings of its leaders. (It can be recycled sheet created in the session facilitator, in fact, be emphasized that recycle code is a good practice.)
  4. Opcionalmente can add images to your text and change the style sheet to align.
  5. A Suggest that the texts can be signed by the authors, but in no way be binding (or for groups or for individuals) signing.
  6. A Up all final versions to the session facilitator.
  7. Now The facilitator will guide the group in creating an index, introducing the <A> with the parameters HREF and NAME (the latter used for the index include subsections).
    1. It will be displayed as use <A HREF> and <A NAME> together. (This will be done even if no text contains subsections.)
    2. You can use images instead of text in the index (this is a more than formal creative activity).
    3. Will be added to the index sheet created for the original text style.
    4. Shall be specified in the stylesheet, colors leagues consulted and not consulted.
    5. A button or text will be created to return to the index and will be included in the other pages.
  8. The Facilitator now will raise the final folder to your index.html and all texts and stylesheets to the server.
  9. The Group will review the work of all to find errors in the text or markings. (This is an essential practice in the collective elaboration, it is said that given enough eyeballs all bugs are trivial.)
  10. A Show the group how to put links to the newly created site on a social network or blog.
    1. Each team to repeat this step will be required, preferably putting the league on another site and ligand directly to your own text or index, to disseminate their work and solicit feedback.