Cloud Essentials/Management and Operations

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Management and Operations

Objectives and Skills

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Objectives and skills for the management and operations portion of CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ certification include:[1]

  • Explain aspects of operating within the cloud.
    • Data management
      • Replication
      • Locality
      • Backup
    • Availability
      • Zones
      • Geo-redundancy
    • Disposable resources
    • Monitoring and visibility
      • Alerts
      • Logging
    • Optimization
      • Auto-scaling
      • Right-sizing
  • Explain DevOps in cloud environments.
    • Provisioning
      • Infrastructure as code
      • Templates
    • Continuous integration/continuous delivery
    • Testing in QA environments
      • Sandboxing
      • Load testing
      • Regression testing
    • Configuration management
      • Orchestration
      • Automation
      • Upgrades and patching
    • API integration
  • Given a scenario, review and report on the financial expenditures related to cloud resources.
    • Storage
    • Network
    • Compute
    • Chargebacks
      • Resource tagging
    • Maintenance
    • Instances
      • Reserved
      • Spot
    • Licensing type
    • Licensing quantity


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  1. Wikipedia: Cloud management


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Lesson Summary

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  • API (Application Programming Interface)
  • CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery)
  • QA (Quality Assurance)


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Key Terms

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CLI (Command Line Interface)
CMS (Content Management System)
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
GUI (Graphical User Interface)
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
KVM (Kernel Virtual Machine)
MTTR (Mean Time to Repair)
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
OS (Operating System)
SQL (Structured Query Language)
VM (Virtual Machine)
XML (Extensible Markup Language)

See Also

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