Cloud Administration/Operations

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Objectives and Skills

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Objectives and skills for the operations portion of CompTIA Cloud+ certification include:[1]

3.1 Given a cloud service model, determine the appropriate methodology to apply given patches.

  • Scope of cloud elements to be patched
    • Hypervisors
    • Virtual machines
    • Virtual appliances
    • Networking components
    • Applications
    • Storage components
    • Clusters
  • Patching methodologies and standard operating procedures
    • Production vs. development vs. QA
    • Rolling update
    • Blue-green deployment
    • Failover cluster
  • Use order of operations as it pertains to elements that will be patched
  • Dependency considerations

3.2 Given a scenario, apply the appropriate automation tools to update cloud elements.

  • Types of updates
    • Hotfix
    • Patch
    • Version update
    • Rollback
  • Automation workflow
    • Runbook management
      • Single node
    • Orchestration
      • Multiple nodes
      • Multiple runbooks
  • Activities to be performed by automation tools
    • Snapshot
    • Cloning
    • Patching
    • Restarting
    • Shut down
    • Maintenance mode
    • Enable/disable alerts

3.3 Given a scenario, apply an appropriate backup or restore method.

  • Backup types
    • Snapshot/redirect-on-write
    • Clone
    • Full
    • Differential
    • Incremental
    • Change block/delta tracking
  • Backup targets
    • Replicas
    • Local
    • Remote
  • Other considerations
    • SLAs
    • Backup schedule
    • Configurations
    • Objects
    • Dependencies
    • Online/offline


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Lesson Summary

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Key Terms

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See Also

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