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Cloud9 IDE/C++

From Wikiversity

Cloud9 may be used for C++ development, but by default the runner for C++ doesn't support spaces in folder or file names.

To add a new runner for C++ files, use the following configuration. Save the new runner as C++.run.

  "script": [
    "set -e",
    "if [ \"$debug\" == true ]; then ",
    "/usr/bin/g++ -ggdb3 -std=c++11 \"$file\" -o \"$file.o\"",
    "chmod 755 \"$file.o\"",
    "node $HOME/.c9/bin/c9gdbshim.js \"$file.o\" $args",
    "/usr/bin/g++ -std=c++11 \"$file\" -o \"$file.o\"",
    "chmod 755 \"$file.o\"",
    "\"$file.o\" $args",
  "info": "Running $file",
  "debugger": "gdb",
  "$debugDefaultState": false,
  "env": {},
  "selector": "^.*\\.(cpp|cc)$"

See Also

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