Children, Schools and Families Bill/Wish-list for Amendments

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What should be in the Bill?

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The purpose of this page is for people to explain things that they would like to see in the Bill. Use the discussion page to agree or disagree with what other people have suggested, and to propose alternatives and improvements. Please do not delete a suggestion. Please also use the wiki signing mechanism so that comments can be attributed. Please try to keep discussion on each amendment in its own section on the discussion page which can be found here Talk:Wish-list_for_Amendments#Amendments

Note that there's nothing to stop us suggesting amendments to other parts of the Bill, either to equalise the treatment of home educated children with respect to school or for any other reason.

Exam Fees

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Local authorities should be obliged to fund one attempt at any exam subject, with a maximum limit on subjects being the same as they would offer to children at any school in their area. Llondel 13:08, 9 January 2010 (UTC) If LAs would fund re-takes for schooled children, then I think they should fund them for HE children, at least in the case of illness and with proof of a doctor's note.

There needs to be an option for a non-school exam centre in each LA (for kids who have school issues and in case schools have HE issues (I've have heard some horror stories about exams in schools)). Also provision for children with SEN who may need to dictate their answers to someone who will write them down. (sorry, have forgotten the proper term, someone correct me please) Rose 17:21, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Hi Rose NOT commenting on the amendment proposal - I think the term you are looking for is provision of a scribe, Some children and young people need assessments and diagnosis of dyslexia etc to get extra time they are entitiled to- this can be costly Annette EO GPG 23:23, 10 January 2010 (UTC)

the term is amanuensis

Promotion of Home Education

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Local authorities should be obliged to provide information on home education to parents including points of contact for local and national home education groups when they send out the information regarding registering with a school. Llondel 13:08, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Provision of Information

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LA will have a duty that all information that they make available regarding home education shall be legally accurate, fair and just. Llondel 16:36, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Quoting of Legislation

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Given that LA officers can reasonably be expected to know the law in their field, and parents may not, it should be a requirement for an officer to provide parents with a copy of the relevant part of the legislation when insisting that certain things must or must not be done. Llondel 13:08, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

The Right to Home Educate

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No child shall be denied the opportunity to be educated otherwise, unless the LA is able to demonstrate that the education being provided is unsuitable. Llondel 16:36, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Equal Opportunities

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Each LA shall make appropriate provision that HE children, and their parents/guardians resident in its area will be afforded discounts on the use of all council facilities, as would be afforded to children who are in school. Llondel 16:36, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Training of Inspectors

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All inspectors should be required to complete a training course on home education philosophies before performing any inspections and parents should be able to provide feedback on the performance of inspectors. Training should be reviewed annually. Parents should be able to opt out of future visits by a given inspector if they are unhappy. Llondel 16:53, 9 January 2010 (UTC)

Feedback on performance will feed into the appraisal process of those local authority staff whose role is to support home educators. SO

Local Authority Home Education Board

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Board to consist of approximately:

60% Home Educating parents, 20% LA staff, 20% home educating teens

HE representatives for larger LAs should include 1 parent with experience/knowledge of SEN

HE representatives for LAs with large GRT populations should include 1 parent from that community

Board to be responsible for Local Authority EHE department:

- Budgeting and changes to the budget

- setting strategic direction, policies and objectives

- job descriptions and education requirements for LA EHE personnel

- reviewing progress against the budget and objectives

- appointing, challenging and supporting the lead professional

- liasing with other departments within LA: this can include an education role

- one HE parent representative to be on any other education-related LA committees (eg. ones that school governors attend)

HE parents will be paid for reasonable expenses including child care. Creches for meetings may be arranged and paid for by LA. Rose 22:25, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Principles under which LAs will work

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LAs will provide support to home educating parents in such a way as to:

- increase confidence of parents in their abilities to home educate

- uphhold parental decisions regarding content and form of education

- increase the strength of local home educating networks

- advance the education and welfare of home educated children and young people Rose 22:46, 11 January 2010 (UTC)

Insert new suggestions here

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Children Schools and Families Bill

Explanatory notes for Amendments

Amendments to Section 19B of Schedule 1

Amendments to Section 19C of Schedule 1

Amendments to Section 19D of Schedule 1

Amendments to Section 19E of Schedule 1

Amendments to Section 19F of Schedule 1

Amendments to Section 19G of Schedule 1

Amendments to Section 19H of Schedule 1

Amendments to Section 19I of Schedule 1

Proposed new Section 19J of Schedule 1

Amendments to Section 437 of EA 1996

Amendments to Section 442 of EA 1996

Amendments to Section 443 of EA 1996

Amendments to Section 176 of EA 2002

Wish-list for Amendments

Discussion on Amendments