Center for intercultural competence with artificial intelligences/What has karma got to do with it?

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What has karma got to do with it?

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Karma in the religious sense may have other meanings but a western interpretation of the word karma, while much less specific, may be a helpful concept in several ways. This should not be construed to mean that any specific interpretation of karma constitutes a sensible scientific theory.[1]

What could the term karma be used to describe?

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  • Karma could describe a reputation system (or the lack thereof).
  • Karma could describe an assessment of idiocultural elements of a single person or a (small) group of persons.
  • Karma could describe a code of conduct or a set of expectations about conduct.

Karma in the sense of an assessment of culture or expectations about behaviour patterns could be interpreted to be a repetition of idiocultural elements as found in the idioculture of a specific group. For an extraterrestrial sociologist, for instance, repetition of behavior patterns could be seen as an attempt of building or demonstrating a degree of intercultural competence towards a specific person or group.


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  1. Theory Design Lab/Karma theory

See also

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