Cardiovascular fitness

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Welcome to the Wikiversity Center for Cardiovascular Fitness.

The Center for Cardiovascular Fitness is a Wikiversity content development project where participants create, organize and develop learning resources for cardiovascular fitness.

These resources are meant to educate participants in the ways of cardiovascular exercise. That is, any exercise that heavily involves the use of the heart and lungs.

Participants will be introduced to the various types of cardiovascular exercise, from the broad to the slim, so to speak. Cardiovascular exercise is very important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but as always, if you don't adhere to a proper nutrional diet it will not be as effective.

Ways to increase your cardio vascular fitness

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Cardiovascular refers to the system in your body which moves blood around. The heart is the main organ in your body that moves blood around. EXERCISE is the primary method of improving cardio-vascular fitness. In essence, to increase cardio-vascular fitness you get YOUR HEART RATE up. That means that you make it beat faster and work harder than it might normally would. So you Do THIS by MOVING around. FASTER. So RUN. Running, BIKING, SKIING, SNOWBOARDING, some types of YOGA, MARTIAL arts, and other sports all have the potential to increase your cardiovascular fitenss. CONSULT your doctor BEFORE engaging in a exercise plan. Improving cardiovascular fitness can also help you lose weight if desired because it can help you to burn calories. and slows the time you have to stop and rest.

See also

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