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Prio 1

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This acceleration vehicle called the White Label Company turns idea’s into concepts, makes it operational in the relevant context and boosts business models.

By our fast understanding of complex large organizations and its value chains we identify immediate potential for start-ups to add value. By encouraging and guiding these start-ups and its deliverables to seamlessly embed it.

through our in-house developed model called ‘Innervate cycle tm’ combined with our entrepreneurial skills, many years of experience within Large Scale Company’s we connect start-ups, ideas and potential to corporates, using White Label as the temporary carrier into the destined organization

we understand the start-ups, the drive and characteristics of this new workforce we connect to generation X-Y-Z where inspiration is key we are connected to the corporates (C-Level) through years of personal track records we are conceptual thinkers which have proven to make it happen connected to the past, we design the future. through our large network and being on top of market, we are natural incubators

our ambition is to accelerate innovation our vision is that being adaptive is the new standard our approach is coach, educate and guide start-ups, bring them under the ‘White Label’ umbrella and adapt to the corporate environment where they are needed the most


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