Bully Timestamps

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Bully timestamps is an original research project designed with the following objectives in mind:

  1. A timekeeping system which is sufficiently independent of Earth's motions and orientation, so that "leap" seconds, "leap" years, and other correctional adjustments are not required.
  2. A timekeeping system which is fundamentally binary and compatible with computer architecture.
  3. A timekeeping system with enough scope to uniquely and unambiguously identify each point in time, beginning with the Big Bang, and continuing into the foreseeable future.
  4. A timekeeping system with a built-in mnemonic device, to promote education and understanding.

What is the Bully time system?

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Figure 1: Modern Time Keeping

The Bully time system is neither a clock nor a calendar. Clocks are tied to the rotation of the Earth and measure Universal Time (UT) in terms of days and fractions of days (for example: hours, minutes, and seconds). Calendars are tied to changes in the seasons, which result from the orbit of the Earth around the Sun (Ephemeris time), and from the precession of the equinoxes. Calendars measure time in terms of days, weeks, months, and years. Clocks and calendars are used for tracking biological processes such as setting a time to wake up in the morning or determining when to plant crops. It is essential for clocks and calendars to remain correlated with the earth's actual orientation for proper management of biological processes.

Since clocks and calendars are tied to the motion of the Earth, and these motions are somewhat irregular, it becomes necessary from time to time to insert leap seconds, or make other corrections, to keep clocks and calendars in sync with the Earth's actual orientation. As shown in figure 1 above, the Earth's rotational motion (UT) can experience variations on the order of 500 milliseconds per year. The Earth's orbital motion (ET) can experience variations on the order of 40 milliseconds per year. During the 110 year period (1930 AD ... 2040 AD) shown in figure 1, the accumulation of Earth's rotational variations resulted in an increase of Delta T (ET-UT) from less than 25 seconds to more than 70 seconds.

The Bully time system (shown on the far right axis in figure 1) is not directly tied to the motions of the Earth, and hence, it is never necessary to insert leap seconds or other corrections into Bully timestamps. The Bully time system measures elapsed time and can be directly related to International Atomic Time (TAI), which is the passage of elapsed time as measured using atomic clocks.

Timespan described by Bully timestamps

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A unique hexadecimal twelve digit Bully timestamp is realized every 3055 seconds TAI. The universe is currently understood to be less than 13.8 billion years old, which means that there are enough unique Bully timestamps to span the entire age of the universe.

Why do we need Bully timestamps

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The inability of computers to predict long term variations in Earth's motion has resulted in the creation of multiple time standards. Each standard is a reflection of circumstances that existed during the deployment of a particular system. For example, as shown in figure 1 above, The GPS system was deployed January 6, 1980. At that time, there was a Delta T adjustment (TT-UTC) of more than 51 "leap" seconds. The LORAN-C upgrade, on the other hand, occurred in 1972 when the Delta T adjustment (TT-UTC) was closer to 42 "leap" seconds. The resulting timestamps provided by GPS and LORAN-C differ by nine seconds due to the disparate circumstances under which these systems were deployed. Also, LORAN-C timestamps differ by ten seconds from TAI due to the fact that TAI was deployed in 1958.

Click on the below links for a comparison of six time standards (local, UTC, GPS, Loran, and TAI):




The unpredictability of leap second insertions is an ongoing source of confusion and expense. Click on the following link for more information:

The second is broken

Realized vs. Estimated Bully timestamps

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Each Bully timestamp is realized exactly 3055 seconds TAI after the previous one. However, since atomic time standards did not exist prior to the 1950's, any assignment of Bully timestamps prior to 1958 should be viewed as an estimate of how elapsed time might have transpired in the past, rather than an actual realization of Bully time. Bully time should only be considered "realized" when time is measured with an accuracy of .

Estimated Bully Time

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History of Earth

Realized Bully Time

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There have been over 655360 realized Bully timestamps (8209 27F9 0000 ... 8209 2804 0000) during the 66 years of modern atomic time keeping (1958 AD ... 2024 AD). Given the availability of atomic clocks, it is anticipated that Bully timestamps will continue to be realized with great regularity for the foreseeable future. Each Bully timestamp should be considered "realized" after it occurs and is measured using precise clocks.

To avoid uncertainty, the following table

Announced leap seconds to date
Year Previous Bully Row Timestamp International Atomic Time (TAI)
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
TAI seconds per timestamp
UTC seconds per timestamp
1958 8209 27F9 9F04 1958-01-01 00:00:00.0024 TAI
1958-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99995418 sec
1959 8209 27F9 C757 1959-01-01 00:00:00.4754 TAI
1959-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99995466 sec
1960 8209 27F9 EFAA 1960-01-01 00:00:00.9435 TAI
1960-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99995369 sec
1961 8209 27FA 1819 1961-01-01 00:00:01.4228 TAI
1961-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99995902 sec
1962 8209 27FA 406C 1962-01-01 00:00:01.8459 TAI
1962-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99996028 sec
1963 8209 27FA 68BE 1963-01-01 00:00:02.2558 TAI
1963-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99995060 sec
1964 8209 27FA 9111 1964-01-01 00:00:02.7658 TAI
1964-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99992519 sec
1965 8209 27FA B980 1965-01-01 00:00:03.5401 TAI
1965-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99992511 sec
1966 8209 27FA E1D3 1966-01-01 00:00:04.3132 TAI
1966-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99990835 sec
1967 8209 27FB 0A26 1967-01-01 00:00:05.2592 TAI
1967-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99990835 sec
1968 8209 27FB 3278 1968-01-01 00:00:06.2053 TAI
1968-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99990835 sec
1969 8209 27FB 5AE8 1969-01-01 00:00:07.1540 TAI
1969-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99990835 sec
1970 8209 27FB 833A 1970-01-01 00:00:08.1001 TAI
1970-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99990835 sec
1971 8209 27FB AB8D 1971-01-01 00:00:09.0462 TAI
1971-01-01 00:00:00.0000 UTC
3055.0000000 sec
3054.99990835 sec

The following table (derived from the Wikipedia "Leap Second" article), lists all leap second insertions that have occurred since the introduction of leap seconds. For each leap second insertion, the below table lists the preceding Bully timestamp (that had been "realized" immediately prior to the leap second insertion), and the subsequent Bully timestamp (that was "realized" immediately after the leap second insertion).

A few details are worth noting in the table. The TAI and UTC already differed by 10 seconds at the beginning of 1972, so when Bully Timestamp 8209 27FB E7FB was realized, the TAI time was 1972-06-30 23:34:45 TAI, whereas UTC time was 1972-06-30 23:34:35 UTC. An additional 27 leap seconds have been inserted into UTC during the fifty year period between 1972 and 2022, making a total of 37 leap seconds difference, so when Bully Row Timestamp 8209 2802 EBC0 was realized, the TAI time was 2017-01-01 00:32:00 TAI, whereas UTC time was 2017-01-01 00:31:23 UTC. You will also note that Bully Row timestamps are realized during TAI times with a seconds value ending in five or zero. The Bully Row and TAI both measure elapsed time as determined by atomic clocks, so these systems will always have this simple relationship.

Announced leap seconds to date
Year 30 Jun 31 Dec Bully Row Timestamp International Atomic Time (TAI) Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
1972 +1 +1 8209 27FB E7FB
8209 27FB E7FC
8209 27FB FC4F
8209 27FB FC50
1972-06-30 23:34:45 TAI
1972-07-01 00:25:40 TAI
1972-12-31 23:45:05 TAI
1973-01-01 00:36:00 TAI
1972-06-30 23:34:35 UTC
1972-07-01 00:25:29 UTC
1972-12-31 23:44:54 UTC
1973-01-01 00:35:48 UTC
1973 0 +1 8209 27FC 24A2
8209 27FC 24A3
1973-12-31 23:57:50 TAI
1974-01-01 00:48:45 TAI
1973-12-31 23:57:38 UTC
1974-01-01 00:48:32 UTC
1974 0 +1 8209 27FC 4CF4
8209 27FC 4CF5
1974-12-31 23:19:40 TAI
1975-01-01 00:10:35 TAI
1974-12-31 23:19:27 UTC
1975-01-01 00:10:21 UTC
1975 0 +1 8209 27FC 7547
8209 27FC 7548
1975-12-31 23:32:25 TAI
1976-01-01 00:23:20 TAI
1975-12-31 23:32:11 UTC
1976-01-01 00:23:05 UTC
1976 0 +1 8209 27FC 9DB6
8209 27FC 9DB7
1976-12-31 23:30:50 TAI
1977-01-01 00:21:45 TAI
1976-12-31 23:30:35 UTC
1977-01-01 00:21:29 UTC
1977 0 +1 8209 27FC C609
8209 27FC C60A
1977-12-31 23:43:35 TAI
1978-01-01 00:34:30 TAI
1977-12-31 23:43:19 UTC
1978-01-01 00:34:13 UTC
1978 0 +1 8209 27FC EE5C
8209 27FC EE5D
1978-12-31 23:56:20 TAI
1979-01-01 00:47:15 TAI
1978-12-31 23:56:03 UTC
1979-01-01 00:46:57 UTC
1979 0 +1 8209 27FD 16AE
8209 27FD 16AF
1979-12-31 23:18:10 TAI
1980-01-01 00:09:05 TAI
1979-12-31 23:17:52 UTC
1980-01-01 00:08:46 UTC
1981 +1 0 8209 27FD 531C
8209 27FD 531D
1981-06-30 23:19:00 TAI
1981-07-01 00:09:55 TAI
1981-06-30 23:18:41 UTC
1981-07-01 00:09:35 UTC
1982 +1 0 8209 27FD 7B6F
8209 27FD 7B70
1982-06-30 23:31:45 TAI
1982-07-01 00:22:40 TAI
1982-06-30 23:31:25 UTC
1982-07-01 00:22:19 UTC
1983 +1 0 8209 27FD A3C2
8209 27FD A3C3
1983-06-30 23:44:30 TAI
1983-07-01 00:35:25 TAI
1983-06-30 23:44:09 UTC
1983-07-01 00:35:03 UTC
1985 +1 0 8209 27FD F484
8209 27FD F485
1985-06-30 23:55:40 TAI
1985-07-01 00:46:35 TAI
1985-06-30 23:55:18 UTC
1985-07-01 00:46:12 UTC
1987 0 +1 8209 27FE 597D
8209 27FE 597E
1987-12-31 23:40:35 TAI
1988-01-01 00:31:30 TAI
1987-12-31 23:40:12 UTC
1988-01-01 00:31:06 UTC
1989 0 +1 8209 27FE AA3F
8209 27FE AA40
1989-12-31 23:51:45 TAI
1990-01-01 00:42:40 TAI
1989-12-31 23:51:21 UTC
1990-01-01 00:42:15 UTC
1990 0 +1 8209 27FE D291
8209 27FE D292
1990-12-31 23:13:35 TAI
1991-01-01 00:04:30 TAI
1990-12-31 23:13:10 UTC
1991-01-01 00:04:04 UTC
1992 +1 0 8209 27FF 0EFF
8209 27FF 0F00
1992-06-30 23:14:25 TAI
1992-07-01 00:05:20 TAI
1992-06-30 23:13:59 UTC
1992-07-01 00:04:53 UTC
1993 +1 0 8209 27FF 3752
8209 27FF 3753
1993-06-30 23:27:10 TAI
1993-07-01 00:18:05 TAI
1993-06-30 23:26:43 UTC
1993-07-01 00:17:37 UTC
1994 +1 0 8209 27FF 5FA5
8209 27FF 5FA6
1994-06-30 23:39:55 TAI
1994-07-01 00:30:50 TAI
1994-06-30 23:39:27 UTC
1994-07-01 00:30:21 UTC
1995 0 +1 8209 27FF 9C4B
8209 27FF 9C4C
1995-12-31 23:12:05 TAI
1996-01-01 00:03:00 TAI
1995-12-31 23:11:36 UTC
1996-01-01 00:02:30 UTC
1997 +1 0 8209 27FF D8B9
8209 27FF D8BA
1997-06-30 23:12:55 TAI
1997-07-01 00:03:50 TAI
1997-06-30 23:12:25 UTC
1997-07-01 00:03:19 UTC
1998 0 +1 8209 2800 1560
8209 2800 1561
1998-12-31 23:36:00 TAI
1999-01-01 00:26:55 TAI
1998-12-31 23:35:29 UTC
1999-01-01 00:26:23 UTC
2005 0 +1 8209 2801 2FDC
8209 2801 2FDD
2005-12-31 23:45:40 TAI
2006-01-01 00:36:35 TAI
2005-12-31 23:45:08 UTC
2006-01-01 00:36:02 UTC
2008 0 +1 8209 2801 A8F0
8209 2801 A8F1
2008-12-31 23:18:40 TAI
2009-01-01 00:09:35 TAI
2008-12-31 23:18:07 UTC
2009-01-01 00:09:01 UTC
2012 +1 0 8209 2802 3604
8209 2802 3605
2012-06-30 23:45:00 TAI
2012-07-01 00:35:55 TAI
2012-06-30 23:44:26 UTC
2012-07-01 00:35:20 UTC
2015 +1 0 8209 2802 AEFC
8209 2802 AEFD
2015-06-30 23:32:20 TAI
2015-07-01 00:23:15 TAI
2015-06-30 23:31:45 UTC
2015-07-01 00:22:39 UTC
2016 0 +1 8209 2802 EBBF
8209 2802 EBC0
2016-12-31 23:41:05 TAI
2017-01-01 00:32:00 TAI
2016-12-31 23:40:29 UTC
2017-01-01 00:31:23 UTC