Buddhism/Early History

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Early History of Buddhism up to the Third Century B.C.E.

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An exploration of the general knowledge of the history of Buddhism from the enlightenment of the Buddha up to the Buddhist Missionary activities launched in the reign of Emperor Asoka. Special attention are paid to the following topics:

  • Expansion of Buddha’s ministry during his life time;
  • Establishment of the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhuni orders, origin and development of Buddhist monasteries;
  • Causes that led to the first three Buddhist Councils and their contribution to Buddhism and its literature;
  • Emergence of Buddhist Schools and their impact on the development of Buddhist thought;
  • Relationship between Buddhism and the state up to the period of Emperor Asoka; and
  • Spread of Buddhism beyond Indian frontiers.
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  • History of Buddhism in Ceylon - Ven. Walpola Rahula
  • Buddhist India - Rhys Davids. Calcutta, 1955
  • Early History of the Spread of Buddhism and the Buddhist Schools - N. Dutt
  • History of Buddhist Thought - E. J. Thomas, London, 1933
  • Indian Buddhism - A. K. Warder, Delhi, 1980