Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/Basic dominant body positions

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A dominant body position is a position from which a submission technique can be applied multiple consecutive times in case it fails the first time. This is why dominant position is prioritized heavily in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and it is recommended that a practitioner achieve dominant position before applying any submissions.

Basic grappling positions

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Back mount
FM 3-25.150 demonstration of back mount
FM 3-25.150 demonstration of back mount
Back mount

The back mount, also referred to as the rear mount, is arguably the most dominant grappling position.

Front mount
FM 3-25.150 demonstration of front mount

The front mount, sometimes simply called the mount, is another dominant grappling position, and perhaps one of the most dominant positions second only to the back mount.

Standard closed guard
Open guard

Should a fighter ever find himself on the bottom, he should aim to be in the guard. The guard allows the fighter more opportunities for defense and the only opportunities for offense from a bottom position. There are both open guard and closed guard positions.

Side control
FM 3-25.150 demonstration of side control
Royce Gracie demonstrating side control