Blood cooler

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DIY Blood cooler
The ice cold brass fitting the hand grips

Problem/Finish Description

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Avacore is a company selling a product called "CoreControl Glove." It is a commercial product selling for about $1000 that is under patent. It has applications in:

Conceivably this could be present in every home, hospital, and athletic facility. And it looks simple enough to build and begin using. The goal is to build one for a school athletic department.

Heat Energy

First of all, you have to determine what causes heat energy to build up. The heat energy a person generates depends on the quality and quantity of their work, not the quality nor quantity of their body. Therefore, how "fit" someone is, is irrelevant, it's the work that matters.

This work is what causes the build up of heat energy - which is what the Blood Cooler is designed to extract; thus begging the question "how much heat energy does the Blood Cooler need to extract?"

The heat energy that a person produces is a range of 70-870 watts, with 70 watts being a resting state. The Blood Cooler would have to remove up to 800 watts of heat energy - this is the equation: (870 - n) - 70 = x "n" would be a range of 0-699, and "x" is the amount of heat energy that the Blood Cooler should extract.


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Theory of Operation

When our body overheats, it goes through a thermo regulation process to expel excess core body heat. The palm of our hands is one of the body's "radiators" to expel heat. Why the palm of the hands? The palms have numerous capillaries which cover a large surface area, allowing the removal of excess heat from the body. The vacuum is supposed to draw the blood to your hands to increase the heat transfer rate. The faster you remove the excess body heat, the faster you will recover from exercise. You may have heard about rubbing ice cubes on your wrist to reduce recovery time. However, this method is inefficient because low temperatures cause the blood vessels to constrict, thereby reducing the blood flow. The CoreControl applies a similar concept, however, is more effective because it uses a vacuum to draw the blood quickly to the palms, and the controlled temperature prevents constriction of blood vessels.

The commercial version has gone through several revisions that addressed cost. One way this was done was by replacing a mechanical iris to create a wrist vacuum seal with a consumable/replaceable rubber sleeve. Initial sales were to special forces and pro sports. The goal here is to make one out of parts found at retail stores. The goal is to create a blood cooler for everyone.

How the blood cooler works
An HCC engineering project, developing a cheap Core Control glove
An HCC engineering project, developing a cheap Core Control glove
  1. 1. Air compressor sucks air through air hose creating a vacuum inside the massive "glove"
  2. 2. This vacuum pulls the blood from a person's core into the glove by stopping the normal constriction of tissue and skin due to contact with something cold
  3. 3. Frigid water is pumped (pump not shown) through a tube. During circulation, water passes through a copper pipe thus cooling the pipe
  4. 4. When hand grasps copper pipe inside of glove, it is quickly cooled
  5. 5. The blood that had been pulled to hand is now cooled.
  6. 6. When this blood is cooled, it then circulates, cooling a person's core

Blood Cooler Requirements:

  • Quick turn around: Swim to edge of pool, stick arm, cool, then swim again
  • Use just one arm
  • Touch nothing but the brass with cold water circulating in it


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Drawing of first PVC design
HCC's core control glove as of 10/15/14
123D Drawings
Vacuum Chamber and Water Circulation System Designs
Red Vacuum Cleaner Design

This model failed because the cold water bottle was double walled, the vacuum cleaner AC motor began to send out sparks in a way that did appear safe, the vacuum motor was very loud and the vacuum seal ripped after several insertions and did not grab the wrist tight enough.

Green Vacuum Cleaner Design

The vacuum cleaner was scary. The vacuum was too active and felt dangerous. Nobody really wanted to use it.

Then an instructable was found that used a brake bleeder hand pump to draw a vacuum with some PVC pipe.

PVC Pipe Break Bleeder Build #1
PVC Pipe Break Bleeder Build #2
Sealing Wrist to create vacuum
Sealing Wrist with gloves and waterbottles

Most gloves are designed to seal against moisture, yet let air in and out. Once the hand is cut out, the gloves loose their strength and rip easier. The wrist area is not always designed to create a seal. Wiggling arm a little causes vacuum to be lost. Is uncomfortable and typically doesn't seal a wide variety of wrist diameters and survive a wide variety of fists that have to go in and out of it. Distance between the seal and the water bottle varies as well. Potentially some people's arms could be too short or too long.

Scuba Divers Glove
PVC pipe reducer

Video showing attempt to cut out just the palm of a latex glove. Another attempt was made with a Nitrile glove.

So have a vacuum seal by pressing wrist into the PVC pipe reducer and hoping that reach the cold brass rod or that length of arm inside the vacuum chamber is not too long.

Buckle tightening seal requires another step

Buckles were looked at that tighten around the wrist to create a vacuum seal. Too strong and could hurt someone's arm. Too little breaks the vacuum. Doing this manually requires another step. Even so, various types of buckles were explored. In some engineering schools a class in buckles exists. The goal was to look through these links for inspiration:

google buckle levers

In the end buckles were abandoned because they required another operational step, create a safety hazard and increase complexity.

Donut Balloons work hint at working, but would have to be fabricated from scratch
16 inch (when filled with air) donut balloons, when filled with water are between 3 and 4 inches in diameter

16 inch donut balloons are available. When filled with water rather than air they shrink to about the diameter of the PVC pipe and:

  • feel comfortable
  • move out of the way
  • hold their shape
  • naturally help form vacuum seal

But they have these drawbacks

  • hole is very small and have to really work to get wrist through hole so can grab wrist
  • seal between balloon and PVC pipe wall has not been tested
  • need to be made with larger hole

The donut would have a tail off it like the letter Q. The Q tail would then be filled up with water and mounted onto the interior of the entry point to form the seal. The persons arm would more water out of the ring as more space was needed and the excess water would be stored in the "tail" of the Q. This would form an adjustable air tight seal.

Vegetable steamer
  • Used a $7 vegetable steamer to create possible one-size-fits-all opening.
  • Air leaks between the steamer's many collapsing prongs.
A one-size-fits-all opening for HCC's blood cooler

Video link: Two-minute video of universal opening enclosing around objects of different sizes and how the apparatus was constructed.]

Further Brainstorming

Freemind ... ??

Requirements Expansion

This exposed problems with the CoreControl Glove and our Blood Cooler:

  • Only one arm, what about sticking each arm into a blood cooling unit?
  • Operation involves using two hands
  • Operation is slowed down by putting on sleeve, gripping unit and then folding back onto the unit
  • Sleeve wears out and has to be replaced

These problems were restated as a new set of Requirements:

  • Quick turn around: Swim to edge of pool, stick arm, cool, then swim again
  • Use just one arm
  • Touch nothing but the brass with cold water circulating in it
Detecting hand insertion

Hands free operation is going to require a switch detecting the insertion of a persons hand and then doing the following:

  • inflating a balloon or blood pressure cuff like device to create a vacuum seal around arms of various sizes
  • drawing a vacuum
  • circulating cold water

Have taken two photogates apart and attempted to mount them in PVC Pipe #2 design. They both worked when initially taken apart, but when the wires were cut and lengthened, they began to work intermittently. At first it was thought that the heat from soldering extra length wires damaged components. So a second photogate was taken apart and soldered with heat sinks between the soldering spot and the component. This did not change the symptoms. Next steps are to consider are:

  • putting back together to see if wire lengths themselves are causing the problem
  • try other infrared sending, detecting devices such as TV remotes, sensors
Angled Water Container


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Water Supply mounted to form one unit

A protein container was attached to the end of the unit using silicone and a lot of tape. The container is attached securely.

Measuring Vacuum and Temperature

The following devices could be connected to an arduino or used with the LabQuest for testing:

Storyboard of 5 minute blood cooler sell

Video exploring possibilities

Sweating when in shape and out of shape

This is a quote: .. people sweat sooner at lower body temperatures, they sweat more, and their sweat is more diluted. Training actually changes the sweat glands and causes an increase in plasma volume that is essential in the production of sweat and for other cardiovascular and thermo-regulation demands. All of this allows a trained person to store less heat and therefore have a lower core temperature than an untrained person.

Kludgy Evidence
  • Carrying around a bag
  • Putting plastic glove on that grips the skin ... while sweating
  • Interrupts workout
Kludgy Sell

Mystery Parts versus Reuse ... air matress pump, pvc pipe, aquarium water pump, balloon Convince that works:

  • Science, Truth ... can refer to academic papers, but customers will not read these ... talking heads don't solve the problem
  • Anecdotal, Business, Goodness ... stories from people that it works
  • Short Video, Beauty .. this is what is missing ... this is needed to motivate people to change

Three general media starting points besides news shows:

  • Biggest Loser .. look up episode around Oct. 29, 2013
  • Shark Tank .. did not find any references, but look
  • Myth Busters .. found reference but no episode, need to look deeper

Target specific groups, call news papers

  • MS
  • Fire Fighters
  • Anesthesiologists
Isn't this under patent?

Yes. But will go off patent eventually. And am not building one to sell/compete with current patent holder.

How Body Works
wikipedia Thermoregulation

Collectively the human body has these objectives:

  • maintain 98.6°F
  • store chemical potential energy
  • Convert raw materials (food) into energy
  • Movement (muscular system)
  • Allow us to react with our environment (senses)
  • do battle with invaders .. immune system
Where Energy is Stored & how used

Energy comes from intestines, through the blood and is then stored with the following priorities:

  • white fat (eating too much, belly fat)
  • brown fat (helps burn, not store calories .. is in neck and shoulders .. good fat .. generated by working out and living cold)
  • muscles
  • brain

Our unconscious mind doesn't want us to loose weight.

Over Heating versus Lactic Acid

What limits our reps?

  • Lactic Acid
  • Respiratory system
  • overheating
  • hydration
  • Exhaustion
  • Frequency and Volume of workouts
  • Central Nervous System
  • Recovery Ability
  • Health (sickness)
  • Over training
  • Under resting
  • Room Temperature

What is the most dangerous thing that can happen during exercising?

  • heat stroke
  • pain
  • head ache
  • Dehydration
  • Pulled Muscle
  • Strained muscle
  • Torn Muscle
  • Ect...

What is the best evidence of good exercise?

  • Core Temperature rises
  • Controlled rest time
  • sensitivity to air/water temperature
  • Continued progress
  • Feeling better/stronger the next workout

Heat influences every aspect of exercise. Lactic Acid occurs to protect the body and limit over training. Its what causes soreness the next day.

Blood Cooling Solution

Blood cooling solves all these problems. We want to show you a beauty proof. The beauty proof has to be short, convincing and lead to scientific questions and an appetite for anecdotal stories.

Swimming Benefits

A swimming work out is like any other: Interval swimming, with rest. The Blood cooler aids in recovery time and prevents overheating in warm water (82°F) and above.

Weight room Benefits

Standard workout: Cardio warm up, dynamic warm up, warm up inside of each lift, perform working sets with timed rest intervals, cool down and stretch

In the weight training video, the athlete will first use the blood cooler with hot water to stimulate circulation before preforming a short cardio warm up. The athlete will preform a 15 rep timed set of Clean & Jerks. Only after 15 reps reps are completed will the athlete be allowed to re-hydrate and use the blood cooler. The rest time will be exactly 10 minutes and during that time the athlete will record the sensations of using the blood cooler. Once the rest time is up, the athlete will repeat the workout. At the end of the second set, the recorded finish times recorded will be compared to see the effects of the blood cooler and the athlete will be asked to review the blood cooler.

  • The blood cooler will keep the rest times more consistent, allow the body to retain more water, allow smoother/more working sets and aid in relaxing the body afterwards.
Track Benefits

Standard sprinter workout: 6 lap warm up, static stretches, dynamic stretches, mobility work/drills, footwork and stride drills, "working sets" of prescribed distances based on the athletes race with STRICTLY timed rest intervals, cool down an stretch.

In the sprint video, the athlete will use the blood cooler with hot water to stimulate blood flow before warming up. The athlete will then preform a set amount of short distance sprints (10x100m) with a rest time of 2-3 minutes. During the rest time, the athlete would use the blood cooler to regulate their body temperature and then record the feelings and sensations that it creates. This would occur 10 times and then a final recording of feelings at the end of the workout to summarize how the athlete feels.

  • The blood cooler will a in the recovery of the athlete during the workout as well as allow for a more efficient rest/decrease rest time.

Standard Thrower Workout: 6 lap warm up, static stretch, dynamic stretch, foot work drills, technique drills, warm up throws, meet simulated throws, technique work till exhaustion. Along with weekly sprint workouts an core workouts with timed rest intervals.

In the Thrower`s workout video, the athlete would use the blood cooler with hot water to stimulate circulation before preforming a cardio warm up. The athlete would then preform their implement specific warm up routine before starting their workout. The thrower would take about 5 throws (as there isnt as much cardio required) after being thoroughly warmed up and then begin using the blood cooler with cold water to regulate the body system. The athlete would record the sensations of the blood cooler after each use. And then write a overall summary and rating of the blood cooler. The throwing athlete may experience the best and most obvious results during the hammer and javein throws because of the increased time under tension (TUT) when comparing to a shot put or discus throw.

  • The Blood cooler will allow the thrower to relax their body and increase kinesthetic awareness as well as body control. This allows for a more technical throw since throws are mainly timed explosions.


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Presentation April 24th, 2014

Next Steps

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The next steps would be to:

  • Survey fist size with fingers pointing and touching as if to spread open a hole
  • Survey distance between knuckles and elbow
  • Find min and max arm diameter at certain distance from knuckles
  • Operate with air compressors/vacuum generators and tanks to store the vacuum/compressed air
  • Find solenoid that opens and/or closes valve that can hold vacuum or compressed air
  • Choose a design for a wrist vacuum seal and begin building it .. check out this company's products
  • Shoot video of unit working
  • Practice measuring pressure and temperature
  • Start dialogue with the athletic department about testing (safety, worth investing in ... that it works)
  • Find an IR switch that can detect hand insertion
  • Find the type of clamp used in the picture or use 3D printer to print the clamp.
  • Get new flexible tube since the current one seem to be easily broken.
  • Get everything together and clamp the tubes to the water container.
  • Drill a hole for the water pump power supply cable and seal it so no water can leak.