Big bang/Slow and steady wins the race.

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(Review Paper) Cited in Big bang/Slow and steady wins the race.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

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In order to properly understand Bondi’s theory of the steady state which rivals the Big Bang theory, we must first examine the 3 basic laws of physics. These laws hold true under any circumstance and can even be related to our universe. According to Bondi matter must be created at a continuous slow and steady rate as opposed to an initial explosion of matter as proposed by the Big Bang Theory. His theory can be proven using the tried and true laws of physics which are tangible and can proven again and again in any circumstance. The big bang theory abandons these laws and requires assumptions to be made that do not follow these principles.



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Bondi theorized the Steady-State theory by examining the laws of physics that can tangibly be proven in a lab and coming to a logical conclusion about the creation of the universe.


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According to the first law of physics, moving objects will remain in motion which applies to the steady state theory that suggests constant expansion of matter as opposed to an initial "Big Bang".


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  1. Bondi, H. & Gold, T. (1948). The Steady-State Theory of the Expanding Universe Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 108, p.252. Retrieved from