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Baha'i Faith/Symbolism/Human Body

From Wikiversity

In the Baha'i faith, the human body is used to demonstrate the frailty and imperfections of the material world as it compares to the spiritual world. The human body is comprised of two distinct forms. Each one of us is made up of both a material and a spiritual body. Also, the analogy of the body extends into the whole global community. All of humanity can be viewed as a body. Therefore, the body of humanity must be spiritualized in much the same way that an individual is spiritualized.[1]

Relation to Other Symbols

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The Body always depends upon the Sun for sustenance. That's one of the reason why the sun is so important to so many symbols. But, the body also relates directly to a multitude of organs. Eyes, ears, and feet are all mentioned specifically in the Baha'i text. All of these things should be working in perfect harmony for the benefit of the whole body. Also, it helps to think of segments of society as organs. The organs of a body would never neglect the other organs of the body. Organs are always sensitive to the needs of other organs.[2][3][4]

Abdu'l Baha

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Abdu'l Baha always used the human body analogy to solidify the various components of the world he lived in. He was managing a Baha'i faith with no Universal House of Justice. Also, he was doing it in a world with very limited international law and cooperation between nations. He spent most of his life on house arrest. So, his task was great and his tools were limited. Unity was essential for Abdu'l Baha. But, that doesn't make it less essential for all of us.[5][6][7]

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  1. Charles Black, "The Symbolism of the Human Body", Multi Fest
  2. Abdu'l Baha, "O YE peoples of the Kingdom!", Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá
  3. Abdu'l Baha, "Tablet to Dr. Auguste Forel", Authoritative Texts
  4. Abdu'l Baha, "Pre-existence and Origination", Some Answered Questions
  5. Abdu'l Baha, "O YE peoples of the Kingdom!", Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l‑Bahá
  6. Abdu'l Baha, "Tablet to Dr. Auguste Forel", Authoritative Texts
  7. Abdu'l Baha, "Pre-existence and Origination", Some Answered Questions