Artificial Consciousness/Neural Correlates/Synaptic Models/Post-Synaptic rule

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Post-Synaptic Rule for Weight Adjustment

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As I have said in the Pre-Synaptic Rule section modern Neural Networks often use a double rule based on both pre-synaptic and post-synaptic learning. The Pre-synaptic rule involves transport of a chemical retrograde from the presynaptic bud and protein regulation mechanisms in the cell. The Post synaptic rule however is nowhere near as complicated, if only because it works locally to the synapse.

It still involves proteins, but these proteins are not synthesized only when the cell fires, but are synthesized probably during normal operation of the cell, and are therefore probably generally available any time a synapse becomes active.

The rule seems relatively straightforward if a protein tag is available, and the synapse is active, then sequester the tag. We don't know if we need separate sequestering mechanisms for different types of tags, but we do know that protein tags only attach themselves to active synapses. Once the tag is sequestered it indicates to the cellular membrane replacement mechanism whether or not to add ion channels to the synaptic sensitive patch, and may have other uses in the conversion between synaptic values and fibril connections.