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Ansi x12 standard format

From Wikiversity

ANSI X12 Format Overview Segment Types

ISA Interchange Control Header GS Function Group Header ST Transaction Set Header SE Transaction Set Trailer GE Function Group Trailer IEA Interchange Control Trailer

Segment Formats

ISA*fields^ GS*fields^ ST*fields^ SE*fields^ GE*fields^ IEA*fields^

Note: * = Field Separator; ^ = Segment Separator

Segment Fields

ISA Segment

 ISA01 Authorization Information Qualifier
 ISA02 Authorization Information
 ISA03 Security Information Qualifier
 ISA04 Security Information
 ISA05 Interchange ID Qualifier
 ISA06 Interchange Sender ID
 ISA07 Interchange ID Qualifier
 ISA08 Interchange Receiver ID
 ISA09 Interchange Date
 ISA10 Interchange Time
 ISA11 Interchange Control Standards ID
 ISA12 Interchange Control Version Number
 ISA13 Interchange Control Number
 ISA14 Acknowledgement Requested
 ISA15 Test Indicator
 ISA16 Subelement Separator

GS Segment

 GS01  Functional ID code
 GS02  Application Sender's Code
 GS03  Application Receiver's Code
 GS04  Date
 GS05  Time
 GS06  Group Control Number
 GS07  Responsible Agency Code
 GS08  Version/Rel. Ind. ID Code

ST Segment

 ST01  Transaction set ID code
 ST02  Transaction set control number

SE Segment

 SE01  Number of included segments
 SE02  Transaction set control number (same as ST02)

GE Segment

 GE01  Number of Transaction Sets Included in this Function Group
 GE02  Group Control Number (same as GS06)

IEA Segment

 IEA01 Number of Included Functional Groups
 IEA02 Interchange Control Number (same as ISA13)

ConvPay: YOWZ Output File Format

This output file uses the X12 EDI standard.

The segment delimiter is a backslash ("\"). The element delimiter is an asterisk ("*").

Sample File

Note: Linefeeds and "(Continued)" notes inserted for clarity

ISA*00* *00* *01*123454321 *01(Continued)

  • 012341234 *031016*2359*U*00401*987600111*0*P*:

\GS*RA*123454321*012341234*031016*2359*987600111*X*004010 \ST*820*987600111 \BPR*C*77.77*C*ACH*CTX*01*234056789*DA*0099109999*(Continued)

  • 123454321*01*045678099*DA*1008973899*031016

\TRN*1*0310162359 \REF*AA*EDI6 \N1*PR*WHIZCO OF AMERICA INC \N3*55 MEGAPLEASANT ROAD*SUITE 999 \N4*SUPERVILLE*NY*10954 \N1*PE*YOWZACO \ENT*1 \RMR*AP*1111111111111111*PO*11.11 \RMR*AP*2222222222222222*PO*22.22 \RMR*AP*4444444444444444*PO*44.44 \DTM*055*031016 \SE*000000014*987600111 \GE*1*987600111 \IEA*1*987600111\

Header Section

ISA — Interchange Control Header

Example (with element number marked above each one):

   01 02         03 04         05 06              07

ISA*00* *00* *01*123454321 *01(Continued) ·································································

08              09     10  11 12    13       14 1516
  • 012341234 *031016*2359*U*00401*987600111*0*P*:

All elements as shown, except:

ISA09 Date from the date_entered field of the input file ISA10 End-of-day time (2359) ISA13 Interchange Control Number

     This is a sequential number that goes up by one with each file

GS — Functional Group HeaderExample (with element number marked above each one):---------------------------

   01 02        03        04     05   06       07 08


All elements as shown, except:

GS04 Date from the date_entered field of the input file GS05 End-of-day time (2359) GS06 Interchange Control Number — value matches ISA13

Note: GS08 ("004010") resembles but is not the same as ISA12

ST — Transaction Set Header

Example: \ST*820*987600111

ST01 As shown (820 = "Electronic Funds Transfer") ST02 Interchange Control Number — value matches ISA13

BPR — Beginning Segment for Payment Order / Remittance Advice

Example (with element number marked above each one):

   01 02    03 04 05  06 07        08 09        10

\BPR*C*99.99*C*ACH*CTX*01*234056789*DA*0099109999*(Continued) ·································································

11        12 13        14 15         16
  • 123454321*01*045678099*DA*1008973899*031016

All elements as shown, except:

BPR02 Total of the amount fields from the input file BPR03 Credit/Debit flag (C or D — normally C) BPR16 Date from the date_entered field of the input file

TRN — Trace Segment

Example: \TRN*1*0310162359

TRN01 As shown TRN02 Date from the date_entered field of the input file, plus 2359

REF — Reference Numbers

Example: \REF*AA*EDI6

Transmitted as shown

Nx — Name Segments



Transmitted as shown

ENT — Entity Loop

Example: \ENT*1

Transmitted as shown

Detail Section RMR — Remittance Advice Accounts Receivable Open Item Reference

Example: \RMR*AP*1111111111111111*PO*11.11

RMR01 As shown RMR02 Customer's YowzaCo Account Number RMR03 As shown RMR04 Amount paid

Trailer Section

DTM — Date/Time Reference

Example: \DTM*055*031016

DTM01 As shown DTM02 Date from the date_entered field of the input file

SE — Transaction Set Trailer

Example: \SE*000000014*987600111

SE01 Number of RMRs + 11 SE02 Interchange Control Number — value matches ISA13

GE — Functional Group Trailer

Example: \GE*1*987600111

GE01 As shown GE02 Interchange Control Number — value matches ISA13

IEA — Interchange Control Trailer

Example: \IEA*1*987600111\

IEA01 As shown IEA02 Interchange Control Number — value matches ISA13

Trailing backslash marks end of data transmission envelope