:Analogies for Sustainable Development/Brain as common pool resource

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Analogy Map

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Commons Brain
Limited resource Working memory, glucose, oxygen


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Cognitive load, attention span

Quote Bank

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Rosenbaum (2014)[1]:

“it’s good for neurons to team up with other neurons. Teaming up is important because the neural ecosystem has a limited supply of oxygen, glucose, and other needed materials. Individual neurons benefit from joining up with other “like-minded” neurons—that is, neurons tuned to similar functional events—just as we humans tend to do better if we join with others than if we go it alone.”

“Active neurons suck up more oxygen and glucose than do less active neurons. Active neurons are also more likely than less active neurons to form liaisons with other neurons.”

Further Resources

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  1. Rosenbaum, D. A. (2014). It’s a Jungle in There: How Competition and Cooperation in the Brain Shape the Mind. Oxford University Press.