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Amida Nyorai Buddha

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Wikipedia: Amitābha, Amida or Amideva is a celestial buddha described in the scriptures of the Mahāyāna school of Buddhism. Amitābha is the principal buddha in the Pure Land sect, a branch of Buddhism practiced mainly in East Asia, while in Vajrayana Amitābha is known for his longevity attribute, magnetising red fire element, the aggregate of discernment, pure perception and the deep awareness of uniqueness of phenomena. According to these scriptures, Amitābha possesses infinite merits resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a bodhisattva named Dharmakāra. "Amitābha" is translatable as "Infinite Light," hence Amitābha is also called "The Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Light".

Names in various languages

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The proper form of Amitābha's name in Sanskrit is Amitābha. This is a compound of the Sanskrit words amita ("without bound, infinite") and ābhā ("light, splendor"). Consequently, the name is to be interpreted as "he who possesses light without bound, he whose splendor is infinite". The name Amitāyus is also used for the Sambhogakāya aspect of Amitabha, particularly associated with longevity. He is mostly depicted sitting and holding in his hands a vessel containing the nectar of immortality. Amitāyus being a compound of amita ("infinite") and āyus ("life").

In Chinese,("A mi tuo fo"), sometimes pronounced "e mi tuo fo", is the Chinese pronunciation for the Sanskrit name of the Amitābha Buddha (Amida Buddha). In Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese, the same Chinese characters used for Amitabha are used to represent his name, though they are pronounced slightly differently:

  • Vietnamese: A-di-đà Phật
  • Korean: Amita Bul
  • Japanese: Amida Butsu.

The Twelve Ways of Worship of Nagarjuna

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”Before Amida Buddha, honored by the people and the angels, I bend in deep reverence. In the land of bliss he rests surrounded by countless Bodhisattvas. His golden form radiates clarity like the king’s Sumeru. His practice of the truth is as firm as an elephant’s steps. His eyes radiate like blue lotus blossoms. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

His face is flawlessly pure and round like the full moon. His majestic light shines like thousand suns and moons. His voice is like a heavenly drum, like a heavenly bird. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

Avalokiteshvara wears his crown, decorated with the face of Amida with many priceless jewels. He subdues the arrogonce of demons and heretics. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

Incomparable, overwhelming and pure is his virtue; it clearly expands imeasurably like the open space. His deeds are a benefit to all beings. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

Bodhisattvas from the ten directions and countless deities honor him. He remains with the strength of his vows to the well-being of all of creation. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

In the golden precious pool where the lotos flowers bloom, built from benevolence stands a wonderful throne. Here the lord reigns, as the king’s mountain. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

From the ten directions come the Bodhisattvas, through the unveiling wonderful power they reach the blissful stage. While he offers eternal refuge. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

Everything is empty and without a self, like the moon in the water, lightning, shadow or dew. The dharma cannot be expressed in words, as Buddha taught. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

Without malicious words to be heard in his land, no evil-doers to fear, and no bad roads. With a righteous heart, all beings worship him. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

His land of immeasureable happiness is without rotten things or malevolent beings. Through birth there one reaches permanent enlightenment. So I bow before Amida Buddha.

So I praise the virtue of Amida, which are boundless like the water of the ocean. To reach these pure and good qualities, may all beings be born into this land."

See also

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