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Alternative Analysis

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PMI Analysis

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We consider that a PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) analysis is the first step in our project. An initial PMI analysis will provide us valuable information regarding Wikis as a tool in our group elearning experience. We want to offer a clear view of our tool selection where, we will discuss the pros and cons of the wiki, and why should be used as an elearning resource.

Plus Analysis

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  1. Anyone can edit, and edition is instantaneous,easy to use and learn and people located all over the world can edit.
  2. Possible to revert back to a previous version and access to web publishing to non-technical people.
  3. Can be used for a wide range of applications.
  4. No licensing cost to installing an institutional wiki.
  5. Very versatile tool, that can be adjusted and accommodated to any kind of teaching and learning.
  6. Many possibilities to include designs, images, videos, etc.
  7. Allows for HTML language what provides huge possibilities
(Hart, 2006)

Minus Analysis

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  1. Being an open resource does not assurance the quality of content, therefore entries are not necessarily reliable.
  2. Spontaneous thoughts, content have to be filtered to avoid prohibited material.
  3. Anonymous entries, very difficult to verify the source (more issues with quality)
  4. Collaborative /Cooperative Paradigm as the resource is strongly based on high levels of coordination free rider problem.
  5. Technology issues, requires to be comfortable with computers.
  6. Organization, updating, compiling, etc. A lot of work needs to be done.
  7. Challenges regarding structure, contents, ideas, etc. and how they should be included in the wiki.
  8. Wikis do not show as easily when information was documented or in what order.
(Woolf, 2006).

Interesting Analysis

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  1. Resource with great potential to be used in elearning
  2. Great flexibility and adaptability
  3. Minimum requirements, everyone can learn how to use it very quickly
  4. Great tool to facilitate: Creativity, Development of New Ideas, Collaboration
  5. Controls can be implemented to prevent vandalism
  6. Content remains alive: as technology improves, knowledge changes, new techniques appear, etc. it is possible to update the resource accordingly.
  7. Imagination is the limit.
  8. Ideal resource to use to connect with groups based in different countries, different cultures, etc.

SWOT Analysis

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SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that is exceedingly valuable. It involves identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. After the PMI analysis is done, it is very important to condense all the information into a SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), thus we are able to connect all the valuable information that help us to decide if the wiki is the optimal resource for our project.


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  1. Openness and accessibility.
  2. Facilate to work with others
  3. Creates knowledge and communities
  4. Usability.
  5. Anonymity of authorship.
  6. Public ownership.
  7. Cloning acceptable.
  8. It is a free tool.
  9. Organized by the context, by links and,

sometimes, in chronological order.


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  1. Motivate Collaboration
  2. Versatile Tool
  3. Longlife Learning
  4. Growing and flexible resource
  5. Comprehensive
  6. Share knowledge, resources, experiences.
  7. Everyone is smarter than anyone alone
  8. Encorage learning and critical thinking
  9. Large audience
  10. Virtual Community


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  1. Difficulties to trust content
  2. Used to repeat work
  3. Content is constantly changing
  4. Not professionally edited
  5. Need close control to prevent vandalism


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  1. Users can erase content
  2. Vandalism
  3. Copyright, intellectual property issues
  4. Taken as the only source of information
  5. Content can be spammed
  6. Constraints to the tool
  7. Openness (no login required)

The main conclusions derived from our analysis are presented in the Wiki Analysis main page, please return to the main page to read about it.